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Everything posted by demym

  1. Ok, that was a very clear explanation... But.. maybe it's obvious....so where do i catch J5 DIN events ? Into function DIN_ToggleNotify ? Thought it was only reserved for 'normal' DIN operation, not J5 The schematics i've used is this: In this schematic it seems that closing the button ties pins directly to ground... is it correct ? Sorry for missing of understanding :-) Thanks a lot, by the way
  2. Hi, i'm still trying to do mixed DIN/DOUT using J5. So i used J5_IO_Init(0x0f) in my code (J5 0-3 for DIN and J5 4-7 for DOUT). The DOUT part of the circuit works (i've connected 4 leds, with a 470 ohm resistor, and leds switch on-off correctly, based on my midi commands to the core). But for the DIN part, i have connected 10k resistors to J5 0-3, and also connected the switches (which, as for the little i can understand, when in ON state they send those pins to ground). I've also implemented this code in AIN_NotifyChange (based on some earlier info in this thread) : valore=0; if (pin_value>512) valore=1; for (i=0; i<4; i++) { J5_IO_PinSet(i, valore); } MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(192); MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(2); (i wanted to generate a MIDI event to see, in MIOS Studio, if something happens when i press the button...) But nothing happens.. Also, i've noticed that using a 10k resistor, as shown in the j5_din.pdf, voltage on the pins is 0.3V when the button is open, and, obviously, 0V when i press the button.. Is it correct that this small voltage variation could be catched in AIN_NotifyChange ? What am i doing wrong ? I followed the schematics in j5_din.pdf (with the only exception that i'm using pins 4-7 for DOUT and 0-3 for DIN). Also, in the init function i also have this code (copied from this thread), after the J5_IO_Init(0x0f) : ADCON1 = 0x07; TRISA &= 0xd0; TRISE &= 0xf8; I've tried to comment out these three instructions, but the device seems to be working in the same exact way. Are those instructions necessary, as i'm using the J5_IO_Init(0xF) ? Thanks in advance. Have a nice time
  3. Sì esatto, grazie. Forse li ho trovati su webtronic.it. Intanto ho un'altra domandina: ho acquistato degli interruttori mini tattili per PCB: per caso esistono anche i tasti da applicarci sopra, in una situazione da montaggio a pannello ? (mi immagino una situazione tipo tastiera del pc, sono tanto fuori strada :-) ? ) Grazie, ciao
  4. I mean something like this: maybe with also 4 connectors Thanks
  5. Hi to all, does anyone knows where is it possible to buy those pin to pin cables that are usually found into pc motherboards boxes (and that are typically used to connect internal USB or internal CDROM).. I've searched all over, but seem not to find connectors to build such type of cables.. I think they are very useful to make flying connections pin to pin (to try some circuit).. Are them perhaps called Molex mini-fit ? I already have strips of female pin connectors, but i would preferr something that doesn't force me to solder only to try a connection. I had some of those cables, and used them and enjoyed, but i have no more to use now.. Thanks very much in advance
  6. Ciao, qualcuno sa per caso come si chiama il formato di quei cavetti da pin che solitamente si trovano nelle confezioni delle motherboard pc(soprattutto per collegare internamente il lettore cdrom, ma anche per altri collegamenti interni, tipo usb..) ? Ho cercato dappertutto, ma non riesco a recuperarne la denominazione... sono forse molex mini-fit ? Li trovo comodissimi per collegamenti al volo tra pins... ne avevo in casa un pò, ma li ho esauriti... ho cercato anche i rispettivi connettori (per autocostruire i cavetti)... ma l'offerta è sterminata... Scusate l'argomento un pò OT. Grazie, ciao
  7. Right ! I haven't thought of this possibility ! Ok, thanks, keep you informed when i try. Bye
  8. When i upload MIOS you mean ? Well, i leaved the DeviceID=0 and Bankstick=1 (i have no bankstick, but it seems not be possibile to set it less than 1). Is this the default situation ? In the meanwhile, i'm trying to check LCD in another way (building one of those modder little circuits to attach the display to lpt1 on pc and see if it works with one of those LCD management softwares).... If only i didn't have to desolder all those cables... :-) Thx, have a nice time
  9. Thanks Phil, i will check once (exceeding the so sai triple check :-) ) the connections on the core and on the LCD, when i'll have some time. I'll let you know. Really, thanks. Bye
  10. Sorry to stress once... But i really have no luck with LCD... I've checked connections (and they seem to be correct), shorts, rebuilt the cable.... but still getting the 16 blocks on the second line (it's a YM1602C 16x2) on powering up the core, and nothing more.. no Ready msg. I uploaded only MIOS (not my own application), and it is running fine, as i get the sysex message on power on... With my application it was running fine too (i built a midi controlled looper with a separate relay board with ULN1803, and relays switched correctly on and off, using J5 as DOUT).. I think LCD should be fine, as it is shiny new... but really don't know how to test it without the core, never dealed with an LCD before. Don't know where to look anymore... i think i will do without a LCD (but i really built the core to have the LCD :-) ).... I'm sure that core is running fine, with MIOS, and with MIOS and my application.. Just for your info.. Thanks anyway.
  11. I tried it only with my app (which is a simple midi processor/filter, only Core V3 with PIC18F452). (but i don't even see the MIOS..ready message, only a bar in the second row). The display is a YM1602C, i've checked the datasheet but have not seen nothing strange (also, i'm not that sure that i understood it...) I really don't know if i'm using it 4 or 8 bits. In my program i have: code in DISPLAY_Init: MIOS_LCD_Clear(); MIOS_LCD_CursorSet(0x00); MIOS_LCD_PrintCString("OK App ready"); and the usual stuff when calling display: MIOS_LCD_CursorSet(0x00); MIOS_LCD_PrintCString("PC Swap: ");.... I've checked the pins and they seem not to be shorting.. Sorry for posting to old messages, as i'm a novice i thought it would be better that posting many new topics, as help is often needed at beginning. Anyway, i will post new threads next time. Thx
  12. Hi, same problem here.. LCD lights up, shows the control characters in the second row, but no READY msg and no initialization string from my app. I sent the same sysex as supraanimo and got the same response... Looking at the pins, i see no evident shortage.. Thanks in advance
  13. Yessss !! Didn't think it could be so easy... :) Thanks a lot
  14. Hi, i've succeeded in buidling a Core V3. I also built the a true bypass loop controlled by ULN2803A and relay. I built it following this diagram: It works nice when givin 5 volts (that i take from J2 on the core) to the board and connecting J5 to ULN --> to the relay.... But i have not built yet a DOUT, and wouldn't do it if i didn't had the following problem: I am trying to use the J5 DOUT C code, in this way: Init function code: J5_IO_Init(0x00); //al J5 pins for DOUT ADCON1 = 0x07; TRISA &= 0xd0; TRISE &= 0xf8; MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvnt function code: if ((evnt0==176) && (evnt1==65)) //wanna react to Control Change 65, channel 1, value 0 turns off the loop, 127 turns it on { if (evnt2==0) PORTAbits.RA0 = 0; if (evnt2==127) PORTAbits.RA0 = 1; return; } But this code doesn't work.. at the moment the looper works thanks to the 5V on pin 1... but that's not programmable, isn't it ? Am i missing something ? (surely, but what ?) Thanks a lot in advance
  15. Grazie cimo, a dirti la verità sono settimane che leggo il forum... ho infatti scritto questo post apposta, in quanto tra le varie soluzioni proposte, non sono riuscito ad estrapolare uno schemino semplice ed appropriato al caso looper ad 1 unità ; forse è solo il relay che mi confonde, ed il fatto di non aver ancora provato a mandare qualcosa in DOUT.. Il relay cmq dovrebbe essere a 5V, vero ? L'unica cosa che mi è ora chiaro è che il relay è di fatto un interruttore elettronico (che a quanto vedo esiste in DPDT, 3PDT, ecc..)... Cmq provo a rileggere.. ma.. mi sa tanto che tornerò alla carica con altre domande.... Intanto ne faccio un'altra di altra natura: il bankstick è una specie di chiavetta sulla quale potrei, ad esempio, memorizzare una certa situazione del Core per poi richiamarla come preset ? Spiacente per la mia condizione di neofita esaltato :-) (venerdì dovrebbe arrivare anche il display) P.S: io ero partito con l'idea di farci un display per il BCF2000 con il core... ma poi ho optato per il simil AdvanceMidiloop, oggetto che avrei anche comprato se non fosse che riceve solo messaggi di program change (io invece uso una Behringer FCB1010 con il firmware Uno, con cui posso inviare fino a 5 controller in modalità stomp), vorrei invece usare il ControlChange per avere una struttura simile a quella che normalmente comando sul mio mio preamp (un Rocktron VooduValve).. Grazie mille per il momento cmq. Curioso: il mio nome completo è Demetrio... siam sempre di più :-) Ciao Demy http://www.mondomargot.it http://myspace.com/mondomargot http://myspace.com/demym
  16. Ciao a tutti, sono estremamente neofita di midibox, ma sono riuscito a costruire un Core V3 ed a farlo pure funzionare (grazie al programma che avevo scritto settimane prima di ricevere il kit usando il favoloso GUISIM)...:-) Come faccio a passare dall'attuale Core ad un semplicissimo looper di effetti midi (tipo l'Advance Midiloop, per intenderci). Mi servirebbe semplicemente per accendere/spegnere un singolo effetto (overdrive) via ControlChange.. (cioè un overdrive che, in catena audio, sta davanti al mio preamplificatore). Per fare ciò userei il DOUT direttamente dal Core (non comprerei il module DOUTx4 aggiuntivo). Leggendo nei forums ho capito che ho bisogno sicuramente un relè (di quale tipo ?), ma anche una specie di circuito true-bypass (il segnale andrebbe dalla chitarra al 'looper' e poi dal looper al preamplificatore , e via discorrendo).. Ho preso visione di vari schemi e schemini presenti qui e sul web, ma avrei bisogno uno schema chiaro mirato alla mia esigenza, in quanto, come già detto, sono veramente alle prime armi con l'elettronica, e vado facilmente in confusione.. Devo per forza 'drivare' il relèè usando il cosiddetto relay driver ULN2803 ? Lo scatolotto non necessiterebbe neanche del pulsante (cioè posso benissimo sostituirlo con il relèè, non ho bisogno anche il controllo manuale).. Non ho invece problemi con la parte software di Midibox. Spero di non aver chiesto troppo, Grazie in anticipo, ciao
  17. It worked, thanks very much Thorsten
  18. So, can't i use that function in C ? I've put J5_IO_Init(0x0f) in my Init event, but doesn't compile, this is the output: main.c:76: warning 112: function 'J5_IO_Init' implicit declaration main.c:76: error 101: too many parameters make: *** [_output/main.o] Error 1 thx
  19. Thanks audiocommander, turning of the integrated MIDIMERGER solved the problem. Have a nice time
  20. Hi to all, i have a CoreV3 only, running a midifilter/monitor program. I am passing the same input to output in MPROC_NotifyReceivedEvnt. But, with each program change at input, it outputs two of them (identical).. No problem with other MIDI messages, though, correspondance 1 to 1... What am i missing ? Thanks Edit: i didn't turn off the integrated MIDI Merger. Now it works correctly Thanks
  21. Hi Thorsten, can't find the function J5_IO_Init() in function reference (i am coding in C). And more, how do i set any single pin of J5 using this function ? Is J5 events handled by AIN_NotifyChange as normal AIN ? Thanks very much
  22. UPDATE !! I hook the Core to a power supply, instead of the battery (maybe too weak ?), and all works as expected ! I've then uploaded MIOS and the application (that i wrote before and was ready for a while, using the fantastic GUISIM!) and it's all working perfect. Sorry for the time lost on a non problem. THANKS, have a nice time
  23. That's what i'm a noob for :-) I'm sorry, i talked about the 7805, but i really intended the IC2 6N138 (from the Core page on ucapps): Apply power to the module after all parts except the PIC and the optocoupler are mounted. Check the voltage levels between the most important pins with a multimeter (analog or digital doesn't matter) before plugging the PIC and the 6N138 into the socket: IC1:MCLR(1) - IC1:Vss(12) = 5V IC1:Vdd(11) - IC1:Vss(12) = 5V IC1:Vdd(32) - IC1:Vss(31) = 5V IC2(8) - IC2:(5) = 5V As i said before, i have no LCD yet; but i think the core could be tested even without it, isn't it right ? I took the MIDI troubleshooting, apart from TEST PROG1: how do i use the verify function P18 ? TEST CORE1: i though the crystal was right... but on its top, looking better for this troubleshooting, i read 10.000Mhz, instead of 10Mhz.... is this correct ? it looks anyway very similar to the one in the Core picture (a silver square ellipse) on ucapps...; TEST CORE2: not applicable (Core V3); TEST CORE3: solderings seem good, and no visible missed junctions; TEST CORE4: PIC: pin 11, 20, 32, 26 are +5V, pin 25 ("5V when nothing is sent") is +0.30V. 6N138: Pin 8 is +5V. MIDIOUT: pin1 of J12 is +5V. Checked against power supply + as shown. TEST CORE5: after C2: +6.50V (variable, however more than 6V) PIC pin 12: +6.50V PIC pin 31: +6.40V J3 pin: not applicable 6N138 pin 5: +6.40V 7805 pin 2: +6.40V Checked against power supply - as shown. TEST CORE6: polarity is correct for midi plugs TEST CORE7: polarity is correct for D1 protection diode TEST CORE8: both R7 and R8= 220ohm TEST CORE9: crosslink correct (Core MIDI OUT to pc MIDI IN, PC MIDI OUT to Core MIDI IN) TEST CORE10: not applicable, no message TEST CORE11: C5 is connected properly TEST OUT1: Led does not flicker TEST OUT2: Tried to disconnect middle pin of J12, nothing changes Thanks once again
  24. Hi to all, i just finished building a Core V3, which i would like to use for a little MIDI filter/processor application. I took the reasonable time for soldering, and then, before inserting the PIC18F452 (that i bought at Mike's Midishop, asking it with bootloader) and the 7805, i made the voltage test beetween the pin couples, and gave me the 5V required on each couple (i have no LCD yet, that i just ordered on ebay, and so i powered it up using a 9V battery). I was thrilled, and then putted in place the PIC and the 7805. I then built the MIDI IN and OUT cables (the kit came with outboard midi connectors), setted up MIOS Studio (but also MIDIOX, configuring the MIDI ports correctly, i think). But i get no response from the Core (and i've read that at least a sysex string, upload request, should have been received...). I'm a total electronics noob, and i really don't understand what's happening; my solderings seem to be fine. I don't know it my PIC came with MIOS installed (does Mike's PIC come that way ?). The only thing i can do is to provide here the values i read over the PIC pins and over the MIDI (J12 and J13) connections: PIC18F452 (Looking with j8/j9 at bottom) right side pins pin 26 (RC7) +5V pin 28 (RD5) +5V pin 29 (RD6) +5V pin 31 (Vss) +0.60V pin 32 (VDD) +5V pin 37 (RB4) +5V left side pins pin 01 (MCRL) +5V pin 02 (RA0) +5V pin 06 (RA4) +5V pin 11 (Vdd) +5V pin 12 (Vss) +0.60V pin 13 (OSC1) +1V pin 14 (OSC2) +2.2V pin 18 (RC3) +5V pin 20 (RD1) +5V All other pins: +0.30V J12/MIDIOUT pin 01: +5V pin 02: +0.60V pin 03: +0.30V J13/MIDIIN all at 0.00V I've also tried to attach a led to J12 (i've read that it should flash, attaching + on pin 1 of J12 and - to pin 3 of J12); instead, the led remains permanently on.. Sorry for my lack of terminology, i've tried to read posts describing similar problems, but i really didn't understand them.. Can someone help me ? Also, how do i know if my PIC has bootstrap loaded ? Thanks very much in advance .
  25. Hi all, i am still waiting for my Core to be delivered, but in the while i had fun coding what my app should be (a simple midifilter/processor) using Codeblocks and the GUISIM template. In GUISIM (a fantastic tool !!) all works correctly as i want it to work. But i have a few questions: 1) it seems i am not able to change the GUISIM configuration, i click on the menus that are found on the top of the DIN/AIN virtual modules, but always get 16x2 display, 32 DIN, and the AIN faders don't seem to work; 2) How can i obtain a .hex file directly compiling into Codeblocks ? 3) In Codeblocks i have used local variables into functions (that is defining on the fly variables into the MIOS functions blocks), and it compiles correctly and launch GUISIM correctly; but when i take my main.c and try to compile it by command line SDCC (that gives me directly the .hex, see my previous question), it seems not to accept those variables defined on the fly into the functions bodies. So i had to take those definitions and put them out of the functions bodies, and that way even the SDCC line compiler works correctly. Am i missing something ? It's not really a big problem, was just curious about it. My toolchain is defined correctly, as all works as expected and i obtain a .hex file, that i can't wait to try onto my Core, when it will arrive and also when i had passed the most difficult thing to me, soldering :-) If only i could obtain a .hex directly inside Codeblocks (i just love this IDE, especially for the reason that it was several years that i didn't code in C, and it helped me a lot). Thanks in advance for your precious help.
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