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Posts posted by sakodak

  1. If you give me some time I can take some pics and post them, but basically you bend the four clasps back, remove the bottom and bend down (or up, depending on your perspective) the half-circle thingie.  Re attach to the bottom, bend the clasps back.

    Technical, eh?  :)

  2. There's no issues with the new pic and the 6581 chips right?

    No.  There are some build differences, and you need to pay close attention to the voltages so you don't blow up your SIDs, but mostly the same parts work.  If you follow the build guide Wilba instructs you to make allowances (like using headers) for changing out SID types later.

    And when you say all aprts instead of different modules do you mean i don't have to order any DIN, SID modules on top of that? All parts inlcuded for a building seesion as well?

    Right.  If you buy the mb-6582 base PCB and the base PCB parts kit, you have everything you need to do a base midibox sid (except for a power supply.)  Of course, this is with no control options.

    so basically if i get you right, all i have to order besides this is parts for the control surface, knobs, PSU, and case?

    Right.  You'll need an LCD, LEDs, some diodes, rotary encoders, and switches (and probably some things I'm forgetting.)  Unfortunately there's no control surface parts kit yet.  You could also order SIDs from Wilba if you wanted to fill out the other 6 SID modules on the base PCB.

    You could also decide to not use the control surface PCB and roll your own.  Lots of people have decided to do just that.

    See this post (particularly the first picture):


    (btw, this was my first thread and after reading this and others i really like this community. pure DIY spirit with help from friends, hehe. thanks to all of you!)

    Don't thank me yet -- I'm new too and I could be feeding you a line of shit for all both of us know. :)

  3. Oh, I saw a picture of one before, looked really nice, what's the main difference?

    The mb-6582 is basically all the modules you'd need for an 8 SID MB SID (beautifully) reworked onto a single PCB instead of spread out amongst a bunch of separate modules.

    You can use all of it for 8 SIDs, or just part of it for one or two SIDs.  It's pretty convenient.

    There's also a control surface board that serves the same purpose -- it's one board to conveniently mount all of the parts of a control surface.

    Much like the base PCB you can use all of the sections or just the parts of it you want.  The drawback is that you're stuck with the layout that Wilba came up with for the controls.  It may or may not work for you.  But you don't have to use it, you can hook up the controls however you want to the base PCB.

  4. I'm new at this too, so someone correct me if I'm wrong.

    For two sids you need two SID modules and one core module.  That's it.  You can control two SID modules per core and since you only have two SIDs, that's all you need.

    As far as a control surface goes, I don't know how you can get more clear than this:


    Have you seen that?  If so, do you have any specific questions on any of that or need for clarification?

  5. Do they do the screening also?  If not, who is doing the screening for you?  I'm on a waiting list with Doug, but I'm looking to do this sooner rather than later.  I may explore this option.  Has FPE saved the template?  If not, where do I find it on this site?  Thanks.

    I haven't ordered mine yet, but I believe they do the screening too.  You can find the template in the wiki:


    I'm also on Doug's waiting list.  I may go ahead and order from FPE too, since I'm an impatient bastard.

    If you don't mind me asking, how much did it cost?  I have been reading about midibox and the enclosure seems like the most expensive part.

    That same link above will get you the panel in fpd format.  You can download Front Panel Express (google it) and load up that file and it will tell you how much it costs (I forget the exact procedure, but if you're capable of tying your own shoes you can figure it out.)

  6. I didn't want to make a new thread for this, but I have a quick question:

    Is there a wiki page like Doug Wellington's page:


    that lists all the Albs group orders?  I'm still trying to familiarize myself with the forums and wiki, but from what I can tell this thread is the most recent one for these orders.

    I'm just looking for one place I can check, maybe set up a once-a-day perl screen scrape to see if there's been any changes so I can finally get myself on a list for these knobs.  (I've been saving for years to do this, and finally just bought a bunch of stuff.  The only things I need now are the knobs, case and faceplates.  And to actually start the build process. :)  I'm waiting for all the ordered parts to get to me.)

    Anyway, if one doesn't exist that's OK, I was just curious.  Thanks!

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