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Shuriken last won the day on January 27 2016

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About Shuriken

  • Birthday September 4

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    Alkmaar, the Netherlands

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MIDIbox Guru

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  1. Ordered a M-audio Venom. This synth is dirt cheap now.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Hawkeye


      TB, you received what you expected :-) - in my opinion, there are a few great sounding VSTs out there, and i´d love to use them, if I had the corresponding physical interface and quick startup-time. And yes, I know there is a guy out there on youtube who builds very nice physical enclosures around VSTs - in conjunction with a stripped-down quick-starting OS, it might be worth a second look :)

    3. technobreath


      You guys know when I'm joking? Of course I love hardware stuff myself, but I'm also a happy VSTi user, - most of my live rig is VSTi, and I'm happy with the concept ;). But of course I see ALL your points. Wick, that would be true if all VSTi synths were supposed to sound like a hardware synth ;). I actually used more hardware before, but I found the gear not sufficient for what I needed it to do, and though expensive shit, it sounded very cheap. So yeah, I love hardware, but I al...

    4. technobreath


      <- also use a lot of VSTi and happy about it. Let's not create a "apple / microsoft" war out of my joke dudes...

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