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MIDIbox Newbie

MIDIbox Newbie (1/4)



  1. wouldn't +/-15V upset my tuning ???
  2. forget about additional caps, i realized that makes no sense when there is no more AC left to filter. but 15V and 12V regulators in series? do-able? thanks.
  3. Hi there, perhaps some of you can help me out here. since 90% of the synth projects i've been working so far on run on +-15V, i was wondering if it is feasible to use a second pair of regulators (any maybe some filter caps) in series, behind a 15V PSU, to trim the voltage to +-12V just for the AOUT_LC module i'm using? i currently run two separate PSU's both based on the MFOS wall wart power supply. which feels kind of a waste actually. i haven't done any measurements but i would assume that the AOUT module does not draw an awful lot of current? o.k. i guess that depends on what i hook up to it... but in general? i'm not sure though if additional regulators could have a bad effect on the stability of the remaining 15V circuitry. anybody? it would be great to be able to go with a single combined PSU in a modular system, instead of using two separate PSU's.
  4. oh, and also check out the Clockbox project: midibox.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=midimasterclock the easiest way to get the record state would probably be to use transport buttons in your midibox...
  5. Hey, possible and shouldn't be very hard at all. have you checked this: ucapps.de/midimon.html is perhaps a good place to start. it can display MTC or Midi Clock. basically what you need is a core module, a doutx module, and/or a LCD display. now if you want your Midibox to react to a state of "record", you need to find a way to transmit that via midi from your sequencer. this could be a little tricky. which software are you using? best, pee
  6. @ ionas i believe the SD adapter was not included in the parts/orderlist, so you will have to get, or make one yourself which is very easy. check out: ucapps.de/mbhp_sdcard.html it's connected to J16 of the core module.
  7. having the same problem with both of my main addresses. not receiving a password. :sad:
  8. ah yes, i see. sure it would have been done already if it weren't that complicated. that's cool, i was going to try MIOS32 sooner or later anyway, so what better opportunity?! just waiting for my pwd now to enlist. thanks for the insight!
  9. Hi, i have two MIOS8 cores (PIC18F452), one used as half a Midibox 64, the other has running Midibox CV 1.2c (with AOUT_LC). would it be possible to enhance the MBCV with the tools provided by the Analog Toolbox? so to have two alternative operating modes, a) your standard MBCV and b) Analog Toolbox with LFO & envelopes, at the flip of a switch (or rather push of a button)? would it be manageble memorywise for the 18F452? or would i have to upgrade to MIOS32 for this kind of project? i'm all new to MIOS & C programming. so please forgive me if this is a super dumb question, or if it has been discussed before and i didn't see it. thanks!
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