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Posts posted by iZZE

  1. Yeah i heard the crackling SidStation once.. no contest at all.

    Thats why i am building a fully loaded MB-6582 :) Not because i need it, i just dont want to start things halfway. No need to start building it when not aiming at the whole cake, not just a piece. I think its gonna pay my rent soon when i see how much they ask for a single 6582 SID Chip on ebay :sorcerer:

    I dont understand people that want to keep a crappy elektron sidstation, also i cant explain why they sold so good, and still hitting prieces beyond good and evil.

    Greets from Austria/Tyrol

    PS: i thought that the "rules" where as follows: If you sell something you are only allowed to ask the priece of the parts. no money for the work or the hours you sit there sweating horror-stricken. I may have been understanding something wrong then if after building it, and just selling one single piece, you can ask whatever you want ?! (maybe 10 % should go to TK,Wilba and the crew for research purposes)

  2. Hello guys.

    I am about to finish the Base PCB Board, the Control Surface Board is finished only LEDs havent arrived yet.

    I got the beige PSU.. I read that those are not the best to use, but its the only one i found so far :(

    anyone got a picture of the "black vented ones" i cant seem to find one.

    My Psu looks like this


    I havent really found out how to "program" the MB-6582 ? Is there an external sequencer needed ? Maybe i just didnt read the manual good enough maybe someone got the link to the part where it is discussed.

    Thanks for your help

    Greets from Tyrol/Austria

    post-7823-090427300 1288246329_thumb.jpg

  3. Es ist noch kein Lötgott vom Himmel gefallen. Üben Üben Üben.. weniger Lötzinn ist mehr. Eine Lötstelle dauert maximal 1 sekunde du musst nicht 3 minuten draufhalten und ne halbe rolle lötzinn reinbrennen :) Gibt tutorials im internet. Ich denke das es zwar hart ist am Anfang, aber egal wieviel Anläufe du brauchst, selbstgemacht ist nunmal selbstgemacht!! Nicht aufgeben :clover:

  4. Ah, so you're from the same country as Wilba :whistle:

    Lol.. i hear that all the time.. and some months ago my x0xb0x kit actually was shipped to Australia.. i received it after it went around the globe.. The package looked like some kangaroos where jumping on it..

    i haz no kangarooz i haz cowz !!!

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