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Everything posted by macsurfer

  1. Hi Thorsten, thanks for you quick reply, yes, the follow mode is what I was looking for. Have a great time until next time. Best wishes, Michael
  2. Hi Forum, my current workflow is like this: Most of the time, I create a 2 bar pattern for notes or drums with a 32 step pattern length and when playing around with the sequence and sounds I need to change from steps 1-16 or 17-32 manually using the Step button. I wonder if I could change this in a way that according to the current step of my playing sequence the shown steps change automatically. This would be great, also in combination with the BLM/Matrix extension for a better overview of the sequence. Please let me know if there´s just a setting hidden in the menu of the SEQ or if I need to dive deeper in the code, I do have some programming knowledge but I have always prefered using the SEQ rather than programming it. See you. Michael
  3. Hello, sorry, items are already sold.
  4. As I do not have any use for it, I sell the controllers. There are 2x 40 pins, 2x 18 pins PIC controllers and the 2x Infineon one´s. The price is 3 Euro for all plus shipping costs. Regards, Michael
  5. Hello, long time ago I bought a C64 and extracted an SID chip from it. Also I bought some parts from the ucapps project. Unfortunately I never realized the project and so I hope the parts will find some other person to have a good time with building the SID. As I have found out the SID chip is still worth some money and so the fix price for the parts is: 25 Euros plus shipping costs depending on your country. Please send me a private message if you are interessted, payment via bank transfer or paypal possible. Regards, Michael
  6. Hi Steve, thanks for your reply. I wasn`t used to the three modes described in my old Midibox due to different settings in the file "MBSEQ_HW.V4" so I was confused. As I just found out one has to read CAREFULLY and one has to check at which position the cursor >...< is currently. That's the knob that decides about the whole row values! Great. Problem solved. Michael
  7. Hi Forum, I have some questions: 2) The All Button/Function has a strange behaviour. Where can I find some documentation about it? Unfortunately searching for "All" or "All Button" produces too many results. In my case the behaviour is: Press All one time the LCD is blinking and shows notes/velocity/length and if I move the first encoder it only changes the value of the first encoder. When I move the e.g 7th encoder all values are changed accordingly. 3) I showed the newly built Midibox to my piano teacher and did a little "advertisement" about the midibox project. When I explained all the features I told him about the Force to Scale function. Immediately he told me that he is dreaming about a piano which has 11 keys per octave. Some interessting harmonics would occur in such a distribution or allocation. So I also started about thinking about it. Can you please direct me to the Force to Scale functions in the repository, I like to dive deeper in this part of the software. Thanks in advance. Please move my questions also the any forum topic which suits better. Michael
  8. Hello Forum, it is done. Another Midibox V4SEQ+ is in heavy use since today! I started soldering during the christmas holidays, doing a lot of mistakes like confusing SMD Resistor Arrays on the JA Board, mixing up the direction of the LED matrix and finally forgot to put the J5 jumper for the 5 Volts on the core board the project is finished. Peter and Andy helped me so much via E-Mail. So, here´s a little story: In 2005 I built my second midibox based on the PIC and now after 15 years a lot of things in my life changed, since 2012 I have my degree in electrical engineering and the midibox project really pulled me into this topic of voltages, signals and microcontrollers. The amazing video how to built the new version convinced me to give it another try. In 2005 I spent a whole year for the project because all the connections for the buttons, encoders etc. had to be built on your own as an individual solution. With the Midiphy Kit the build process is way more faster and the design of the PCB´s and case is just absolutely amazing. ll these details, the multicolor LED´s, no problems with jitter for the encoders...during this build I was so often surprised by the smart solutions for all these little challenges one faces when doing a DIY project. So one thing didn´t change in all these years: The fascination about MIDI, electronic music and this great Midibox community. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Currently I am not able to upload a picture, but you find excellent pictures of the Midibox on the Midiphy webpage. I will do this in the next days. Take care! Michael
  9. Update Complete! Hey there, I just like you to know that I am very, very glad and full of motivation to work with my midibox again. Originally built in 2005, the "baby" has now made the next step. It was updated from V2 to V4, which was not too difficult beside the hardware button configuration. Encoders are no longer flickering due to the non-detended option and the amount of functions is just crazy. Cheers Michael
  10. Thank you nIls and TK, unfortunately I only understand "BAHNHOF" in your Programmers Lounge. I´ll think about it, no bother. I´let you know.
  11. Hey, maybe you can help me giving some background information about the two lines in the following: Yesterday I started by downloading the ftp://ftp.lansystems.co.uk/pub/midibox/mios32_toolchain_intelmac_20101024.zip I didn´t bother about the intelmac(yeah, I don´t know much about compiling yet) and it didn´t work. After that I started to install XCode(yeah, I didn´t read the first sentence of the howto) and after that I tried the way with installing gputils and sdcc. # mios32 export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/stm32/bin //What is this for? Where does it come from sdcc, gputils or ? export MIOS32_PATH=/mios32/trunk //This is a part of the svn files which are platform independent, source C whatever? export MIOS32_BIN_PATH=$MIOS32_PATH/bin export MIOS32_GCC_PREFIX=arm-none-eabi export MIOS32_FAMILY=STM32F10x export MIOS32_PROCESSOR=STM32F103RE export MIOS32_BOARD=MBHP_CORE_STM32 export MIOS32_LCD=clcd # mios32 end In the Wiki I found setting up the toolchain in OS X: .... 2- install the STM32 toolchain The MIDIbox community have created a modified GNU Compiler Collection, ready for use with the ARM Cortex M3 platform. The toolchain contains all of the tools required to build MIOS32 applications including GCC and NEWLIB. The download is only for Intel Mac, also the PATH is slightly different: .... In our case, we need to set up the path variable for the STM32 toolchain: type in the terminal export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/mios32_toolchain/bin and then we need to set up variables for mios32 itself: export MIOS32_PATH=~/svn/mios32/trunk export MIOS32_BIN_PATH=$MIOS32_PATH/bin export MIOS32_GCC_PREFIX=arm-none-eabi export MIOS32_FAMILY=STM32F10x export MIOS32_PROCESSOR=STM32F103RE export MIOS32_BOARD=MBHP_CORE_STM32 export MIOS32_LCD=clcd Here I considered that you have put all the files downloaded from the svn server in the directory â€~/svn/mios32/trunk†but up to you to put them elsewhere if you want and change the “MIOS32_PATH†variable accordingly. Can I compile Newlib for PPC? GCC is a part of the XCode/ Developer Tools from OS X? I hope you have some more patience with me. See you. Michael
  12. Hello Forum, yes I know PPC is 5 years ago. But is it possible to set up the toolchain to program for the STM32 Core? I changed to 10.5. because I wanted to use MIOS_Studio, which works well so far. I went throught the Forum, tried to compile with the 3 step method from Rics " downloaded the repository MIOS32, edited the PATH, made a .profile but when I type in make -s....: noname:tutorials midi$ cd 001_forwarding_midi noname:001_forwarding_midi midi$ ls Makefile README.txt app.c app.h mios32_config.h noname:001_forwarding_midi midi$ make -s Creating object file for app.c make: arm-none-eabi-gcc: Command not found //Is this the problem maybe? make: *** [project_build/app.o] Error 127 noname:001_forwarding_midi midi$ See you! As a solution I still have 10.4. on the other hard drive
  13. Alright, thanks for the quick response.
  14. Hello, I have just ordered a STM 32 Core and started stuffing the parts. As I am always doing mistakes myself, I mixed up some resistors on the board and so had to double check everything. So I found a little mistake on the silk screen or on the design. Please help!!! Thanks, Michael P.S. Thanks for the Forum workaround, worked fine for me on OS X 10.4
  15. Hi Folks, the order was sent. At least we were two guys. So again, the bulk order for Germany is closed now. Cheers.
  16. I think I will order in 2 weeks. By the way do you know if one has to order the Core32 Module PCB with IC && the Core32 parts kit?
  17. Hello Forum, long time no see, actually I had to rename myself to macsurfer. So, I like to place an order to get a STM32 board and I like to ask around if anyone based in Germany wants to order something from the shop too. I read through some posts and I hope am doing all right so far. -> Guide to Organizing a Bulk Order-> Point 1-> Post a thread in the Bulk Order Forum to arouse interest... As this is Smash TV´s shop there will be no reduced price, the order is just to share the postage to Germany. I am not sure about VAT or customs but as the order will be above 20something Euros anyway, I think these costs have just to be shared. All right lads, see you. Michael
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