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MIDIbox Newbie

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  1. How can I upload a sound to the Sammich ?!
  2. I played around with the new version a bit. My summary: - When I downloaded the latest build, it was already newer and not compatible anymore with the one 1 WEEK old build 1029 - The editor seems to be faster than one year ago - Thorstens panel works nicely when it comes to editing - However the most important thing does not work : Loading a saved sound and sending it to the Sammich
  3. Will future panels be compatible with the old ones ? Will I be able to load old sounds, for instance, if the wavetable stuff is implemented ?
  4. Doesn't work for me :( I received: callback error: postinit lua runtime error at line -1 no static rotation in class affine transform method disabled --------------------- and lua runtime error at line 67 string "..." what lua namewhat global name utilgetenginename message string"..." 67 attempt to call global "L" (a nil value) method disabled Win7 64 bit latest stable ctrl release
  5. Congrats. This is an adorable little synthesizer :smile: But what do you mean with V3 ? Uhm, wtf. I soldered 3 Sammichs and I got this on all 3. Well, to be more precise, when it jumps, it jumps back, mostly by one. Thought it was my fault.
  6. Looks nice! Would love to edit a mini sammich with it: Half the size of the real sammich, without LCD and knobs, just a box as tiny as possible. :)
  7. There is not much to learn really. It just adds virtual ports. What I like is you can give each port an individual name.
  8. I replaced Midiyoke with this nice application: http://www.tobias-er...e/loopmidi.html It's 64bit compatible and let's you name your virutal midi ports.
  9. Hehe, first post? Well, on this forum! I know you from other forums as well, such as DSI and Jomox (where I am jus a Lurker). And since I am active on this forum I can tell you that I really like the music that you two guys make. (and the mastering of a certain magazine sucked, your original music was better iirc + imho) I was once intersted in the Hardsid, I downloaded the editor and it was terrible. If I remember correctly, making polypatches was the horror, as you had to edit every osc at once, including the wavatable settings... Also the support seems to be terrible of those guys.
  10. Ich weiss, das Problem ist, man kann keine herkömlichen Transformatoren mehr kaufen. Jedenfalls wüsste ich nicht wo. Ich glaube die sind sogar verboten worden. Daher möchte/muss ich mir Schaltnetzteile kaufen. (nicht bauen) Es geht um 12V Netzteile mit 1.5A bzw. einmal 2A. Bei Reichelt und Conrad gibt es ja so einiges aber ka, was da wohl gut ist.
  11. Bei den Elektronik Händlern gibt es ja eine ganze reihe von Schaltnetzeilen. Ich frage mich: Wie kann ich die unterschiedliche Qualität der Produkte erkennen ? Qualitätsmerkmale wären für mich: 1. Sauberkeit des erzeugten Stroms 2. "Dreck" der ins Stromnetz abgegeben wird 3. Zuverlässigkeit. Macht folgender (einfacher) Gedanke Sinn? Lieber einen Betrag in ein Festspannungsnetzteil stecken als in ein Universalnetzteil? Hintergrund ist, beim Universalnetzteil fließt das Geld in viele Komponenten (viele Stecker, Spannungswahlschalter ua.), beim Festpannungsnetzteil in weniger Bauteile, die aber evtl. besser sind ? Gibt es Firmen, die generell gute Qualität liefern?
  12. Es ist wohl so, dass der Motor damit funktioniert und auch die Drehzahl konstant hält. Danke jedenfalls für die replies.
  13. Seems like the LCD is about to die. (that's actually the second faulty LCD of 4... I had). What are the specs I need to know to get a replacement ? If you are from Germany, can you show me one please? It should fit to the green LED lamps if possible. (black and white display would be cool too, does not need to have green in it) Thanks :-(
  14. This is cool, thanks! Should be sticky!
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