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Everything posted by ksir

  1. ksir

    Modul Box NG V2

    hello, always about 4x2 Enc RGB SW Led ring Rgb I abandoned the idea of a matrix for the rgb leds of the pel12t encoders. this simplifies the diagram. for the common anode I read here: http://midibox.org/forums/topic/20713-how-to-connect-common-anode-rgb-leds/#comment-180389 just connect the cathodes to the DOUT pins. 595s can sink current, which means they "can supply ground/0V". Thus, the output is "reversed" for common anode parts. This can be specified in MB_NG. When the 595 output is high, the LED is off. When low, the LED is on. On the other hand I still do not know how to connect the switch of the pel12t encoders to the 74hc165. normally a switch is connected between VS and D* with its switches the contact is between VD and D*. Is there a way to solve this problem in a software way? should I use a bc547 for example or other hardware solution? another possible solution? https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kLTryPKwxlgYORO9NTeJ00XRjq4Sl2w4/view?usp=share_link Thanks for your help
  2. ksir

    Modul Box NG V2

    The module that gives me the most problem is the 4x2 Enc RGB SW Led ring Rgb https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kLTryPKwxlgYORO9NTeJ00XRjq4Sl2w4/view?usp=share_link I'm trying to use Bourns RGB + Switch Pel12T Encoders https://mou.sr/3zJilbU https://www.mouser.fr/datasheet/2/54/PEL12T-777462.pdf But the wiring diagram of the leds and switches of these encoders is a challenge for me: the RGB LED matrix is also difficult. Maybe it's not possible with a matrix because of the switch ? Help and advice are always welcome. and the lack of space on will also be a PCB challenge, I may be forced to add a third sandwich panel.
  3. ksir

    Modul Box NG V2

    For fun, an overview of the modules already developed and under development
  4. ksir

    Modul Box NG V2

    Thanks It's mostly to look at how you designed it. I would adapt it for the sparkfun 2x2 pads i would like to use it with rgb leds
  5. ksir

    Modul Box NG V2

    Good morning; Thank you very much for your answers and your help which are very precious to me. I tried to correct my files according to your advice. (in the previously shared folder https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IZLVG2fVXstxGC9ZCWl0OCMjF7R1GEB3?usp=share_link) (I upgraded to version 7 of kicad). I'm also trying to make a PCB with silicone buttons, (see in the TO_DO folder in the folder I shared) how to create a footprint in kicad for silicone buttons, (like you did here: http://wiki.midibox.org/lib/exe/fetch.php?w=600&tok=c1a13e&media=phatline:blm16x16-pcb-3d-front.jpg) Would you be willing to share your footprint? The files you will find in the TO_DO folder are in progress, full of errors and far from finished .... if you look at them, your advice is always welcome for fun, a vision of what my future controller could look like, disregard the screen at the top right, it could have a series of oled on the top
  6. ksir

    Modul Box NG V2

    here is where I am at the moment: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IZLVG2fVXstxGC9ZCWl0OCMjF7R1GEB3?usp=share_link i am looking for rgb leds it is listed here: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual_hw.html you need an external power supply. how to handle this? Thanks for your help
  7. ksir

    Modul Box NG V2

    thank you for your reply I'm working on it : I noticed you don't like the MEC buttons, I'm looking at the alternatives. maybe cherry switches, I need to find some nice caps (any suggestions?) I want to merge 2 footprints for the potentiometers: (so that I can use different potentiometers) Is this a bad idea? should I connect pads 4 to the -? thank you for your help
  8. Hello, I am currently thinking about a version 2 of my modulbox circuits V1: the objectives are: Have the circuits manufactured by a professional (for example: https://jlcpcb.com/). Have the fronts made by a professional. -Be able to more easily share the circuits created with the community The design rules remain the same: circuits of 50 x 100 mm or 100 x 100 mm max For the potentiometers I used: RK09L1140A2U ( https://www.mouser.fr/ProductDetail/Alps-Alpine/RK09L1140A2U?qs=6EGMNY9ZYDShe59Bf8g9AA%3D%3D ) paid 0.70 euros each at the time, they cost 2.80 euros today, I'm thinking of replacing them with RK09D1130C1B ( https://www.mouser.fr/ProductDetail/688-RK09D1130C1B ) they are cheaper. Do you recommend another model / brand? I'm thinking of trying to make a footprint that accepts several kinds of potentiometers. it's possible ? does it already exist? (I work with kicad) (for caps: https://www.mouser.fr/ProductDetail/Eagle-Plastic-Devices/450-4760?qs=J4wJDGtbthoFgTzq4MR8dw%3D%3D) For the faders I used: RA6020F-10-15F2-B10K ( https://www.mouser.fr/ProductDetail/Alpha-Taiwan/RA6020F-10-15F2-B10K?qs=6TczTpqoAMVgxoAgFDSJ8A%3D%3D ) It may not be the best choice. Do you recommend another model / brand? For the push buttons I used: MEC 3FTH9 https://www.reichelt.de/fr/fr/bouton-multimec-sans-clairage-connecteur-circuit-imprim--taster-3fth9-p156904.html?GROUPID= 7587&SHOW=1&OFFSET=16&&r=1 Do you recommend another model / brand? It also remains to update the standard control surface: I'm also thinking about possibly making a 4 x 2 sparkfun pads with RGB led ( https://www.sparkfun.com/products/7836 ) I still have a lot of work. Anyone interested in this project? People who would like to help me or simply control my work? or do you have any advice or suggestions? Thanks
  9. Construction d'un séquenceur, SEQ V4 midibox (2016) http://ksir-diy.blogspot.fr/ Après la construction de 2 contrôleurs midi le modulebox et le pushbox, je décide de fabriquer un séquenceur. Toutes les infos proviennent du site: Merci T.K. http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_seq.html 1ere étape, construction de la BOM, liste des pièces a commander https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1QeJV0jgEi0ly2ljBv7idEdsqg11bE0XkwrLQFL_UkEw/edit?usp=sharing En attendant la réception des circuits imprimés que j'ai commandé sur : http://midiboxshop.bigcartel.com/ J'essaye de créer moi même ces circuits imprimés sur kicad: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0X-WnBiV-XXdldpQXRjWWpOcGM/view?usp=sharing . après la schématique le routage: import et commande chez https://easyeda.com/fr Le 05 juillet 2016 commande de composants effectuée chez mouser et reichelt selon la BOM suivante : https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0X-WnBiV-XXVzUzRnEtZXBOZjQ/view?usp=sharing Le 18 septembre 2016 Réception des circuits imprimés du CORE stm32f4 que j'ai redessinés précédemment et fais fabriqués par https://easyeda.com/fr Peuplage d'un PCB 1er Test :) youpi ça s'allume : La face avant wilba n'étant disponible en vente sur aucun site, je décide de la redessiner sur kicad et c'est reparti pour une schématique : routage: envoi pour commande à https://easyeda.com/fr prévisualisation avec blender 2 octobre 2016 ; Commande de PCBs reçue , Et c'est parti pour la soudure :) assemblage et test fabrication de la boite
  10. ksir


    hi, yes i've make some PCB for each module. i would like share wis you the pcb layout , but i make this file in 2013 and kicad files no longer works at home I share with you anyway kicad files https://www.dropbox.com/s/ho3ycs42xpqcsx8/modulBox%20kicad.rar?dl=0
  11. ksir


  12. midi box ng http://ucapps.de/midibox_ng_manual.html bon courage
  13. ksir

    module box

    heu, j'ai utiliser un lpc17 .. oui j'avais déjà vu ces modules mais je me suis inspirer de livid
  14. ksir

    20140101 205159

    From the album: module box

  15. ksir

    20140101 204944

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  16. ksir

    20140101 204056

    From the album: module box

  17. ksir

    20140101 203859

    From the album: module box

  18. ksir

    20140101 203710

    From the album: module box

  19. ksir

    20140101 203542

    From the album: module box

  20. ksir

    20140101 203455

    From the album: module box

  21. ksir

    20140101 202931

    From the album: module box

  22. ksir

    20140101 202825

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  23. ksir

    20140101 202748

    From the album: module box

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