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I've been slowly working on integrating analog controls into the lovely Goom port for the STM32F4 and hit a bit of a roadblock. The AINSer64 module won't initialize (no pulsing link light). I can get it to work only if I disable the last line of the following function. Commenting it out and returning 0, allows the AINSer64 to do its job, the link led pulses and turning knobs send debug messages with proper pin numbers and values. The Goom synth also works just fine without any of the AINSER code present. Currently the AINSER64 is setup on J19 / SPI 2. s32 SYNTH_Init(u32 mode) { // initialize the AINSER module(s) AINSER_Init(0); // start task xTaskCreate(TASK_Synth_Update, "SynthUpdate", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, PRIORITY_TASK_SYNTH_UPDATE, NULL); xTaskCreate(TASK_AINSer_Scan, "AINSerScan", configMINIMAL_STACK_SIZE, NULL, PRIORITY_TASK_AINSER_SCAN, NULL); //use J10A.D0 for performance measurements MIOS32_BOARD_J10_PinInit(0, MIOS32_BOARD_PIN_MODE_OUTPUT_PP); // start I2S DMA transfers return MIOS32_I2S_Start((u32 *)&sample_buffer[0], SAMPLE_BUFFER_SIZE, &SYNTH_ReloadSampleBuffer); } I2S is enabled in the config file. I saw that it can conflict with the SRIO SPI, tried setting SRIO_SPI to 0, with no luck. I wasn't sure if that applied here or not. Have tried this same code with ReloadSampleBuffer as an empty function, with the same results. I'm assuming the issue is somewhere in the I2S_Start function, but reading through that I didn't notice any obvious issues. Other AINSer apps like MIDIO128 work fine. I did have issues with the Jitter Monitor though - it just scrolls endlessly, returning empty results for all modules. I haven't delved deeper into that since the module was returning results without any issues outside of trying to implement it in Goom. Any insight into what might be happening here? Thanks Jeff
Hi everyone! I have the goom synth port working on the ST32F4 Discovery board, and would love to find a way to put it into a much smaller package. Would the STM32F103C8T6 be able to load MIOS32? I realize it only has 64K flash, so I'm just wondering if MIOS32+Goom will work on it? It's the Nano sized board that seems to have been nicknamed "blue pill". I'm sorry if this is a silly question, but I'm brand new to MIOS (which is absolutely amazing btw). I searched everywhere and couldn't find an answer to this, so I'm hoping someone may know the answer. Thanks
Hi All, I hope this is considered the correct part of the forum for this. I am a novice midi to MIDI and a general tinkerer. Not much of a musician either.... I saw the Goom Synth build on the STM32F4 and thought it looked like good cheap fun. I have managed to procure the board, install MIOS32 and upload the synth "project.hex" without too much stress. I don't have a good way of playing the synth (no keyboard ATM) so long term I wanted to try using an old Motorola Xoom as a touch interface, similar to "ttfshtt" or "AVLG". Currently I have managed to connect to the tablet using the Cntrlr interface created by "Synthy" (for which I am very grateful) on both Win7 & Ubuntu Studio. All the above was done with two USB cables attached which is a bit of a pain, so I tried the PA9 to 5V trick. Although the board appears to power up, I don't get the pulsing LED LD4, and LD1 (Com) flashes instead of being solid red. By accident I have just discovered that if I plug in CN1 temporarily whilst CN5 and the jumper are in place, I can get the board to boot. Interestingly, it is more complex than just getting power on the CN1. If I plug the board into USB power block whilst connected to my laptop on CN5, it won't boot. I needs a laptop USB to trigger the board (hope that makes sense). Has anyone experienced this and have a cure? it is a pain at the moment, and I would like to try playing with MIDI commander on either my Samsung Galaxy, or Motorola Xoom as a control interface. (currently I have managed to at least see the Goom in MIDI commander with my Galaxy and a USB OTG cable). The board I bought from Farnell is the "STM32F407G-DISC1" which seems to be an updated (but I can't tell how) version of the STM32F407. Any thoughts appreciated.
I'm sorry for cross-posting but maybe someone can help me here. I try to build the Goom synth app and getting this error message during 'make'. Linux Mint 16 Petra 64-bit. . .. ... .... ..... Creating object file for notestack.c Creating object file for mini_cpp.cpp Creating object file for freertos_heap.cpp Creating object file for wave.s sed: can't read project_build/src/wave.dd: No such file or directory make: *** [project_build/src/wave.o] Error 2 If I re-run the make, it finishes successfully but the resulting file is incomplete (smaller than the original and functional pre-built Goom project.hex from the repo). I checked the system variables (PATH's etc.) and all should be fine. (Have to check again, I'm not on the build machine now). Does anyone have an idea what could be missing? Thanks in advance!
I understand there is a build of the Goom synthesizer for the MBHP_CORE_STM32F4 that was put together a while ago by TK at the request of tffshtt. I'm wondering if anyone would have any insight as to how I can get this onto my Nucleo-F411RE? I'm am fairly new to this sort of thing, with limited experience related to Arduino boards so far. I've tried uploading the mios32 bootloader via the ST-LINK utility, but have not been able to connect to the Nulceo via MIOS Studio. I am able to upload the project.hex for the compiled Goom release via ST- LINK but as my board has no peripherals, I have no clue where to build midi input, or audio output circuits to potentially interact with the program and see if it is functioning. Your help and patience is very much appreciated, Andre