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Found 18 results

  1. Hello all, I noticed that the MIDIBox DokuWiki is a little bit outdated (still based on XP screenshots) and not necessarily easy to understand for true beginners. I have written the small guide here to describe step by step as best as possible the installation and configuration of Eclipse for MIOS32 projects. All comments are welcome of course (and if somebody wants to try to make sure that nothing is missing or is wrong, he/she is welcome ) Benoit (EDIT : due to an update, the first version of the file has been deleted from this message to avoid any mismatch. Please see below for the updated version)
  2. Hello, This is about a new STM32F4 mbhp, a very compact one. This concept is an answer to these three topics: I tried to draw the most compact core and mbhp board. It's an STM32F405RG instead of the regular 407VG. The 405RG is the smallest package of the M4 Series, this is a LQFP64, a 10x10mm package with only 64 pins. Because these two Processor are from the same family, we don't need deep changes in MIOS32. They have exactly the same functions, memory, speed and peripherals. I put the STM32F4 on a DIP-40 format pcb, in order to get a core that can also replace a PIC in some application, I strongly think of my sammichSid. At the same time it must provide the legacy functions and ports of MIOS32 of course. Some compromise have been made in comparison to a 407VG mbhp. - Only 2 MIDI I/O. - J15, the LCD port is now a serial one only(SSD13xx). - No more general purpose port J10x. This is the list of the 'remaining' ports and changes. - J1A and J1B are the USB and Power ports, J1A is compatible with latigid on's USB wCore module. J1B can be a common header on top or a Micro-Match connector on bottom to stack another board under. - J4 is a dual I2C connector, I put both on the same connector to save space. - J5 is a 2 channels only ADC, they can be used for expression pedal input for example. - J8/9 and J19 stay the Legacy 5V SPI ports, the dipCoreF4 includes the octal buffer(74HCT541); - J11 is now a 6pin and 2 MIDI I/O port. - J16E is the 3.3V SPI port, commonly dedicated to the SD Card it is compatible with latigid on's RES-SD modules. it is extended by the Reset input, the user button and 2 outputs for LEDs. - J18 has changed, it is now able to connect a CAN tranceiver, but stay compatible with the MBNET connection. About the dimension, the ensemble is very compact 65x46mm, but the Core can be used alone and measures 51x17.8mm. A 3D view of the ensemble(sorry this is not a render, I shoot the screen): You will find some more information on the dokuwiki, dipCoreF4 and dipBoardF4 Feel free to ask me question or give me any constructive criticism. I will order some board very soon, if some want to participate in the tests they are welcome, just contact me. I will provide the beta boards for free I just ask you to play the game and seriously help me to improve it ;) Thank you Best regards Bruno PS: sorry for my English as usual ;)
  3. Hi, I think that Midibox is a great project (is the one that get me started on pic16 programming) and it deserves to grow/transform more as more affordable and capable boards are getting available. In particular the esp32 seems to be a good platform for doing some cool usb/bluetooth experimentation, and the stm32 is also promising. But the licensing of the project doesn't allow easily for other people to contribute and create new projects, and I think this has "stopped" the project a bit. Also contributing on a platform like github, maybe implementing automatic builds pipeline, would make everything easier. @TK. would you be open to move the project to a more open source model, with a license such as MIT/Apache or LGPL that will allows also commercial/other derivatives? Would you be open to move the development to some platform like Github? I can volunteer some times to make the transition happen. Thanks, Nick
  4. I keep on receiving this error (topic title) in MIOS32 after switching between sections via my ngr script which proceeds to request store SysEx dumps from a connected synth. I have a firm belief about what probably causes the error (the error I could not resolve by research, though.. the term malloc just leads me to think, that there is some memory that is not being freed properly after use) What I did in my c files was introducing a new kind of variable (called ^macdis) for use in SysEx stream sending. What it does is that it resolves a value from a sysEx dump (identified by syxdump_pos:x:y) into a 6-field u8 array to be further used for sending it to a Mackie C4, which uses it to display the value on six fields of one of its displays. I herefore instanciate a u8[6] array here: s32 MBNG_EVENT_SendSysExStream(mios32_midi_port_t port, mbng_event_item_t *item) { u8 *stream_in = item->stream; u32 stream_size = item->stream_size; s16 item_value = item->value; //initialize array and pointer for the 6-field Display values u8 *macdis_array; macdis_array = (u8 *)malloc(sizeof(u8)*6); ..... And I have a feeling that I just did not fully get my head around the whole pointer thing. After repeatedly calling my ngr section 1, which requests and receives the dump and subsequently uses the ^macdis flag to print one value on the mackie (and herefore using the array, which I want to be ONE array, that is cleared after the processing of one incoming value and then used for the next) the error comes up and the whole thing crashes of course. Here is how the (relevant part of) code in mbng_event.c goes on: case MBNG_EVENT_SYSEX_VAR_MACDIS: { int i, j, rest; u8 num = item_value; for(i=5;i>=0;i--){ if(i == 0 || i == 4 || i == 5){ macdis_array = 0x2d; } else{ if(num > 0){ rest = num%10; num /= 10; switch(rest){ case 0: macdis_array = 0x30; break; case 1: macdis_array = 0x31; break; case 2: macdis_array = 0x32; break; case 3: macdis_array = 0x33; break; case 4: macdis_array = 0x34; break; case 5: macdis_array = 0x35; break; case 6: macdis_array = 0x36; break; case 7: macdis_array = 0x37; break; case 8: macdis_array = 0x38; break; case 9: macdis_array = 0x39; break; default: macdis_array = 0x2d; break; } } else{ macdis_array = 0x30; } } } for(j=0;j<6;j++){ MBNG_EVENT_ADD_STREAM(macdis_array[j] & 0x7f); } } break; Since I cannot resolve the error by reasearch I would be grateful for anyone, who might take a quick glance at my code. Maybe someone, who is a bit more experienced in C than I am might see the (possibly obvious) error
  5. From the album: The HAARP

    The white spacers are 6mm but can be reduced to 2 or 3mm... The global depth with connectors is less than 50mm!
  6. From the album: The HAARP

    The phoenix screw terminal is not necessary for euro version. A common Euro power connector is placed instead, I'm waiting for it.
  7. From the album: The HAARP

    The phoenix screw terminal is not necessary for euro version. A common Euro power connector is placed instead, I'm waiting for it.
  8. From the album: The HAARP

  9. From the album: dipCoreF4

    And it works :)
  10. Antichambre


    From the album: dipCoreF4

  11. From the album: dipCoreF4

    The smallest and first pre-assembled MIOS32 Core. A beautiful thing :)
  12. Hi everyone! I have the goom synth port working on the ST32F4 Discovery board, and would love to find a way to put it into a much smaller package. Would the STM32F103C8T6 be able to load MIOS32? I realize it only has 64K flash, so I'm just wondering if MIOS32+Goom will work on it? It's the Nano sized board that seems to have been nicknamed "blue pill". I'm sorry if this is a silly question, but I'm brand new to MIOS (which is absolutely amazing btw). I searched everywhere and couldn't find an answer to this, so I'm hoping someone may know the answer. Thanks
  13. I had trouble with the MIOS_Studio download for Linux (maybe because I have the 64 bit version of Ubuntu 14). It just didn't work for me. So here's a tutorial on how to make MIOS_Studio (actually MIOS_Studio_Debug) on Ubuntu in case anyone else has the same issue ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Open a terminal. Make a svn folder, and get the recent mios32 repo: cd ~/ mkdir svn svn co svn://svnmios.midibox.org/mios32/ when it's done, unpack juce: cd ~/svn/mios32/trunk/tools/juce unzip unpack_me.zip Go to the mios_studio directory for linux: cd ~/svn/mios32/trunk/tools/mios_studio/Builds/Linux I had a bunch of missing packages that I needed to install. You can try do a make first, but I needed these: sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev sudo apt-get install libx11-dev sudo apt-get install libxinerama-dev sudo apt-get install libfreetype6-dev sudo apt-get install libxcursor-dev After that, do a make: sudo make If all went well, MIOS Studio should ready for you in the build folder: cd build MIOS_Studio_Debug If it runs, go ahead and quit it, and copy it to your desktop or wherever: cp MIOS_Studio_Debug ~/Desktop Done! You can now double click the icon and it should just work. If Make Fails ------------------------------------------------------- If make results in an error (e.g. missing file), you might need a package or two. To figure out which package has the file, use apt-file: sudo apt-get install apt-file Then update it: apt-file update So here's an example of an error during make: ../../../juce/modules/juce_events/juce_events.cpp:55:23: fatal error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory #include <X11/Xlib.h> Find a package with this file by doing this: apt-file search X11/Xlib.h which gives you this: emscripten: /usr/share/emscripten/system/include/X11/Xlib.h ivtools-dev: /usr/include/IV-X11/Xlib.h libghc-x11-dev: /usr/lib/haskell-packages/ghc/lib/X11- libhugs-x11-bundled: /usr/lib/hugs/packages/X11/Graphics/X11/Xlib.hs libroot-core5.34: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/root5.34/cint/include/X11/Xlib.h libx11-dev: /usr/include/X11/Xlib.h you probably want libx11-dev (libroot-core5.34 might also work), so: sudo apt-get install libx11-dev Before you run make again though, do a clean: sudo make clean and try again: sudo make
  14. hi, i'm trying to compile the SVN trunk of midibox_ng_v1 for LPC17 under MacOSX 10.11.6 using the gcc-arm-none-eabi-4_7-2013q3 toolchain but i run out of memory ("RAM overflowed") at the link stage. any recommendations? should i comment something out, or go back to a recommended tag, or can it be a problem with my setup? i started fresh from scratch (no residual build files messing up the linking) thanks!
  15. Hi all, after long absence I have decided to build a midibox kb. So I have soldered LPC17, loaded up midibox kb and thought, DIO_matrix "1 to 1" connected to keybed (as shown here: http://www.ucapps.de/midibox_kb/midibox_kb_fatar_df_61_interconnections.pdf) and core would produce a working system. But it seems I have failed, I don't get midi note_on-messages from the core. Do I have to adapt the setup somehow or is the 1 to 1 connection the false option? Best clem!
  16. i'm finally continuing my work on using liveapi to integrate mios32 and ableton live. this works by giving programmers a large set of functions they can call to manipulate damn near anything in live. another set of functions are automatically called by live, allowing you to track whatever is going on. this will let users play a live set without ever looking at a computer screen. the possibilities can be a lot more than that. to do this, i've made a protocol that works over midi and allows a midibox to seamlessly communicate with a liveapi script. on the programmer's side of it, you just have a simple set of functions to play with. look at it as a midibox API for LiveAPI, extending mios into live, and vice versa. currently this is being developed for live 7.0.14. i'm fairly confident that most of the code will work for live 8, and i'll try to get a new version going once this is complete. for a teaser, here are some of the functions at your disposal. keep in mind i haven't gotten to the clips, tracks, or track devices yet, but eventually you'll be able to go as far as bring clip or plugin parameter names into the midibox, and of course monitor what is going on with all of it. this list is growing by the day. functions you can call from mios: void MBLIVE_SONG_SetTransport(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetTransport(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetRecord(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetRecord(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetOverdub(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetOverdub(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetFollow(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetFollow(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetBackToArrangement(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetBackToArrangement(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetDrawMode(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetDrawMode(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetArrangementPosition(u8 mode, u16 val); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetArrangementPosition(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetTriggerQuantization(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetTriggerQuantization(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetTempo(u8 mode, u16 value); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetTempo(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetTempoNudgeDown(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetTempoNudgeUp(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetTimeSignatureNumerator(u8 mode); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetTimeSignatureDenominator(u8 mode); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetTimeSignature(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetGrooveAmount(u8 mode); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetGrooveAmount(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetMetronome(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetMetronome(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetLoopStart(u8 mode, u16 val); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetLoopStart(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetLoopLength(u8 mode, u16 val); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetLoopLength(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetPunchIn(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetPunchIn(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetPunchOut(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetPunchOut(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetSessionArrangementView(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetSessionArrangementView(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetClipDeviceView(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetClipDeviceView(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetBrowserView(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetBrowserView(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetDetailView(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetDetailView(); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetTrackCount(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetSelectedTrack(u8 track); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetSelectedTrack(); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetSceneCount(); void MBLIVE_SONG_SetSelectedScene(u8 scene); void MBLIVE_SONG_GetSelectedScene(); functions called by live: void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyTransportChanged(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyRecordChanged(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyOverdubChanged(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyFollowChanged(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyBackToArrangementChanged(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyDrawModeChanged(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyArrangementPositionChanged(u32 val0, u8 val1, u8 val2); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyTriggerQuantizationChanged(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyTempoChanged(u16 value); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyTimeSignatureChanged(u8 val0, u8 val1); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyGrooveAmountChanged(u8 value); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyMetronomeChanged(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyLoopStartChanged(u32 val0, u8 val1, u8 val2); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyLoopLengthChanged(u32 val0, u8 val1, u8 val2); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyPunchInChanged(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyPunchOutChanged(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifySessionArrangementViewChanged(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyClipDeviceViewChanged(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyBrowserViewChanged(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyDetailViewChanged(u8 state); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifyTrackCountChanged(u8 trackCount, u8 returnTrackCount); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifySelectedTrackChanged(u8 track); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifySceneCountChanged(u8 count); void MBLIVE_SONG_NotifySelectedSceneChanged(u8 scene);
  17. From the album: MIDIbox FM V2.0 Prototype

    So much for utility knives! This took less than a minute. :smile:
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