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Hey everybody,

I am still working on my mbseq v3 and was gonna just do stripboard/vector board for the button mounting but I probably won't be happy with the end result because I am using smaller boards and have to cut some to get the right length. I wanna try a pcb for the buttons. Does anybody have some pcb design file for seq that I could use as a template to get started and hopefully just move traces around to suit my needs? I have never attempted pcb design so a template for mbseq  would greatly help. I got a nice table top case that is about 12" high and 16"wide and I am gonna do a stacked 4 line arrangement where the top line will be GP 1-16, then next line down f1-4 play stop menu ect.., 3rd line down track 1-4 layer 1-3 edit solo mute, then 4th line being group 1-4 layer select 1-3 and what ever else is left. I know I am rambling but just to give you an idea. Sasha I know you had a similar really nice design for mbseq v3 but it had the extra 4x16 matrix. Could you throw me a file that I can play with? Thanks to everyone and everybody. I just bought the case and its getting shipped to me right now. I think I will have enough room for a MB64 with two rows of encoders in the same case as well which should be killer. The brand is hoffman but I cant remember the model number right now. I will post some pics of it when I get a chance.

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  • 5 weeks later...

i've been working on a control surface pcb for seq but i think you're better off starting from scratch.  i've learned eagle recently and the seq control surface pcb is the first i've made.  if you're going to rearrange an existing pcb, you'll be basically doing the same thing as if you started it from scratch, only you'll just have to make the schematic first.

by the way gold phoenix does pcbs up to 14.5" wide.

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if you're going to rearrange an existing pcb, you'll be basically doing the same thing as if you started it from scratch

Damn true!

To me it seems like half the time, just rerouting one trace or moving one small part ends up sending you back to square one. :-X

It does give you a lot of respect for the guys, girls and robots who do layouts for all these computer motherboards and crap we've got though. ;D

Take Care   

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