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Signal to Noise Ratio


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Hi all,

I'll come straight to the point: Please make sure your Signal to Noise Ratios on this forum are reasonable.

The forum is very busy these days, with lots of new users, and lots of information. Unfortunately I see it becoming slowly cluttered with pointless mess. I'd like to put a stop to this increasing trend of unneeded information that makes it hard to find the information we do want.

Now please don't get me wrong - I don't think the forum would be a very fun place to be, if noone ever made a 'fun' post - heck, I do it all the time! it's just important that if you are making fun or offtopic or unneeded comments, that you balance it out with useful, midibox-related stuff too. (I try to do that too ;) )

This applies not only to the content of your posts, but also to the new tagging system. The main idea with the tags, is to tag posts which have good information, so they are linked to other posts with good information. I'm seeing a lot of really silly tagging going on, there are some posts with three or four tags where they don't even need one.

This behaviour means that searches return lots of useless hits, and the tag system is flooded with junk already.

We all need to be thoughtful of the things we write here, so that it's a fun place to be, but also a good source of information for people searching. At this point, I am not going to single anyone out and publicly embarrass them, but there are a few people that jump to mind. In future, I will single out posts and tags that are an annoyance. If your SNR is low, please consider this a polite request to sort it out - I won't be so polite in future ;)

And PLEASE, don't stress about this - if you think your SNR is high enough, it probably is :) Keep having fun :)

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I'm on a tagging cleanup binge at the moment.

Whoever can find this post http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php?action=tags;id=242

Gets a lollipop!!

That tag is really annoying me right now! It shows up in the cloud as one of the most popular tags but can't be found anywhere.....

Some hints for helping me out:

You don't have to tag *everything*! Just tag really useful posts.

Use lower case always

No plurals

Keep them simple

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Heh thanks mate :) we wanted to let it go for a while, and see if the tagging system stayed clean by itself, but it uhm...didn't... A few nice tagging conventions formed themselves though, which is cool because it didn't require a big conversation it just worked out like that :)

These two ghost tags are really tricky though!

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