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Dificulty with mios upload


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Well, you all amaze me. 

I started with such high hopes more than a few years ago on a MBHP 64 project, then put it away as I got busy with other things.  I feel technically inept.  I thought that I should complete the box for better or worse, so I determined to make the box work (this might be my mistake).

I am using a Smash TV board, pic, and components that I purchased 3.5 years ago.

The pic is labeled MIOS_BOOTSTRAP_v1_1B

All 0's underneath.

I have attempted to use MIOS Studio to upload: update_without_installed_mios.hex

When I start the upload with:

Device id 0

"Wait for upload request before starting upload" checked

and Smart mode

I receive the following message:

Starting upload of update_without_installed_mios.hex

Hex file contains code in MIOS range, forcing reboot!

Received Upload Request

Sending block 00000000-000000FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

(Sending block and Error repeated until abort)

I tried the following from the midi troubleshooting guide:



TEST IN3: LED stays lit (even with no message coming in?)


TEST IN6: LED stays lit regardless of switch position

Thank you for any help in advance.  I should have just stuck to playing guitar.


John Gregory :

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You selected the right .hex file, thats a good starting point! :)

The issue looks similar like this one, but this time the LED lits. However, I think the reason is the same: visually check the circuitry around the optocoupler. TEST IN7 allows you to doublecheck, that the optocoupler itself isn't failing (e.g. because of a defect)

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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