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Mac Midibox Users, Please Read This


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I'm talking to the MMJ developer, which is a free version of Mandolane (the java-midi port plugin). He needs information on what's being garbled. If you look at this post below Smash gives a good report of one Sysex message (upload request) that ends up being garbled to a note-on command. This is no longer a bug, but there are others. If anyone can help determine which Sysex messages are not working, I can forward them to the dev and he is willing to take a look.



NOTE: Please make sure you have installed MMJ 0.85 from the humatic.de website. I was having trouble successfully uploading but now am having no problems whatsoever with the software. I thought I was using the most current before. So I'm relying on everyone else for any reports, I think it's worth it for a free midi-java plugin.


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  • 4 months later...

Any chance miosstudio.midibox.org can be updated to reflect this? The tool mentioned here is free, but the tool linked off miosstudio.midibox.org is now shareware:

So far the program has been tested with Windows (98, 2000 and XP), Linux (Ubuntu and Fedora) and Mac OSX 10.4.7. Mac user may want to download PlumStone to ensure that Java can access the MIDI hardware on their system. Linux users will need to ensure they are using a fairly recent version of ALSA for Java to access their MIDI hardware.

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Then would it not be wise to simply include both? MMJ works just fine for me and it doesn't seem to make much sense for confuse people into paying money for a tool they can get under the creative commons license. Either way, the link off the site takes you to a redirect page so it should at least be updated to the current page of the produt (http://www.mandolane.co.uk/)

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Actually, I *AM* in Tech Support (Rackspace). Thing is, we're not talking Apples and Oranges. It's Apples and Apples, only one apple costs money, and the other is free but might not work for everyone (you know, like a Green Apple...or something...). Actually that's ironic since we're talking about a library for OS X.

I mean, all you need to say is "try this one if you want to be a cheap bastard. If it doesn't work, try the other one. Oh and RTFM." Granted, Apple should fix the problem and include a Java MIDI interface in the OS. OS X has such great MIDI support that I find that quite surprising.

Either way, thanks for updating the link!

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Perhaps you've lost sight of the newbie factor then...

I mean, all you need to say is "try this one if you want to be a cheap bastard. If it doesn't work, try the other one. Oh and RTFM."

In theory, yes, but in the real world, that doesn't work. Newbies get confused about which should be used (Do I eat the apple or the orange? It says I can eat both but I'm not sure, I've never eaten fruit before before, should I try both at the same time and then remove the one I don't like the taste of? etc etc etc.) and that creates additional workload for dudes like me. There's a reason why it's done the way it is. For another example, see the JDM vs Burner situation.

Anyway, we're off topic. The idea here, is to collect any bug reports with MMJ. If everyone submits the bugs now, then napierzaza can pass them onto the developer who's been so kind as to offer his assistance to us. Then, it might be working 100%, and we can put MMJ on that page - the perfect solution to apples vs oranges: remove the need for oranges :)

So step up with your MMJ bugs guys! Speak now or forever hold your peace! :D

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picture2ph4.th.png  ;D

A strange screen where people think their MIOSStudio has expired sounds more confusing to me than a note, that the link to mmj is a beta version known to work for most, but unfortunately not all macs up to now

Demo-versions are a lot less useful than any beta program. Also we don't know for how many people it actually works, because normally they just tell us if it doesn't work :-7



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