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Problem with my Eagle files !


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Damn it! i was to finish my first PCB project in Eagle and now i'm having a dumb error!

I can't add parts to the board anymore, something is wrong with one pad but nothing is connected to the pad. I don't know what to do to fix it !

If someone can help me i'll send you both files.

Pins/Pads with different connections:

  Part     Gate     Pin        Net      Pad      Signal

  IC1                                   9        N$18

ERROR: Board and schematic are not consistent!

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if you are working with a schematic, it's important to make changes to the nets there rather than on the pcb.  you must have edited the pcb with the sch closed or vis versa.  if so, make a backup of the files, open the pcb, close the schematic (it will automatically load) and try deleting the suspect part on the pcb with the sch closed...

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if you are working with a schematic, it's important to make changes to the nets there rather than on the pcb.  you must have edited the pcb with the sch closed or vis versa.  if so, make a backup of the files, open the pcb, close the schematic (it will automatically load) and try deleting the suspect part on the pcb with the sch closed...

Fixed. Many thanks bugfight!!

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