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48ppq Clock signal questions / problems


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I'm just wondering if I can kill two birds with one stone here.

My LinnDrum uses 48ppq sync, which is a slight pain.. I've tried a few things to sync it up, but I've never been 100% happy with the result (SBX-10 etc)

How hard is it for the SEQ3 to send out a 48ppq or even 96ppq clock signal while slaved off midi (24ppq)

I'd also want a start/stop signal to go to the Linn so that I don't have to press Stop/Start before I press play on the master sequencer..

Or is this best tackled by a stand alone sort of Core module project?

Much regards


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You can change the clock divider in the BPM menu. By default it's 4 for 24ppqn

If you set it to 2, you get 48 ppqn

With 1 you get 96 ppqn

A start/stop signal is provided as well. The IO pin is specified in the setup_*.asm file

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 1 year later...

Big bump by me..

I  f i n a l y  got around to wiring up the last few things on my sequencer (The DIN Sync)

[it is always the last 2% that takes up 99% of a project]

I tested the DIN sync quickly on a drum machine, and that was all good.

I made a lead that went from 5 pin DIN to 2x Jack plugs (For the Linndrum, one of which is the clock, the other stop/start)

In the BPM screen, I changed the external clock divider from 4 (default) to 2 as the LinnDrum uses 48ppq.

Tested, and was brilliant, the LinnDrum was bang on the money.. I was very happy..

Then while the LinnDrum was playing along, I went to the sequencers record mode, and quickly the LinnDrum started loosing sync.

Am I expecting too much for the SEQ to spit out 48ppq reliably while the SEQ is in record mode?

If so, please don't forget about this in V4. ;]

Kind regards


- edit - Also happens when notes are being scrolled or moved or generated.

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Ok, I just did another quick experiment.

My TR-707, set to DIN Sync, lost sync while the sequencer was in record mode also.

Even with the clock division set to 4 (so that my SEQ was sending out 24ppq) the 707 still lost sync while the SEQ was in record mode.

I hope this helps.



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Is this only an issue with your 707?

Are there any specs for the DIN sync input of this drum sequencer (e.g. required pulse length)?

Btw.: does the same happen if you are using a J5 gate out triggered by a Note Event to clock the 707? The difference: a much longer pulse length.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Hey TK,

I'll dig out a few other bit's of DIN Sync equipment and try them. (TR-606, TB-303, MC-202, TR-808)

It's just my TR-707 was out, and I figured that as the TR-707 was made by Roland, it would be indicative of all Roland DIN Sync equipment.. I'll try and find the specs of the TR-707's DIN sync.

A while ago, I did use the J5 gate outs to trigger my LinnDrum. I did this but putting in 16th triggers, And setting them all to roll (I can't remember what setting exactly)

I then played with the clock divider until I got my 48ppq.

This also worked fine for a while, Until I did anything serious on the MB-SEQ such as real time record, erase, randomise, scroll etc.. then it lost a fair bit of Sync.. Almost as if a few clock 'ticks' got forgotten about..  (Pretty much exactly the same issue happening when I use the DIN sync out of my MB-SEQ)

I'll make up a Jack-DIN cable, and test the TR-707 using the J5 Gate outs to verify if a longer pulse length helps with the TR-707.

Another thing I could try is to "record" the DIN Sync out of the MB-SEQ as audio, and then play with the MB-SEQ and see if it was dropping any clock 'ticks' ? (Or look at the signal on a scope, but this way we can exchange the info)

As always, Kind regards


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