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[S] I appear to have many 4mm tact switches...


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Edit: New and unused 4mm (three perf board hole spacing) quadrature temporary switches, the same kind as in the A6 Andromeda. 12 cents or 0,08 EU each.


Either of the pair of input pins are fed through to both output pins when pressed.

Let me know if the price is ridiculous in either direction. Know that they are a bit "wobbly" in that the mechanism has a bit of play. Find an A6 and you'll see if you like them or not. I don't know who makes caps for them, but there must be a few types out there somewhere.

Back to your original post:

Hi, I'm a noob and was once on the A6 Andromeda (Alesis) synth development team. I have some switches that I rescued from the bankruptcy dumpster, and they appear to be usable for MIDIboxes. I'll get a photo uploaded tonight. They're very similar to the brown-cap switch in this pic:


except that they appear to be of higher quality as well as having a blue tip. I don't know if they're worth anything, but if these are useful, I have many and am interested in trades for MIDIbox componentry. Of course, these are likely a penny apiece or something and you only need three for a SEQV3  ;D

I'm out for the morning, please let me know if you have any insight...

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Today and the next few days are nuts so I can't spend as long as I wish online. I can't find a ruler or measuring tape! This may help; it's 3 perf holes wide (definitely not the 15 or so mm of the one in the above photo!)


They have four pins, but I don't know if they're SPST or SPDT (or??) I don't know the part so I can't get a datasheet.

Thanks for the replies and the welcomes!

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My thoughts exactly.

It's a temporary switch, not locking, which I suppose is fine for scanned applications (MIDIbox, A6, etc.).

The sides are common; input at either "back" pin is connected to both "front" pins, so it's indeed useful for the MIDIbox and you only need use one "side" of the switch.

Someone must make buttons for these; I still have some A6 buttons of various colors, and knobs as well, "D" shaft types, so I find that I am going to be producing a MIDIbox with some similarities to the A6, by default! This calls for a particular style of front panel artwork...

I've gone ahead and paid out for a SEQV3 setup. Wish me luck and duck, here come the noob questions!!!

Waxing selfish aside, I have hundreds of these buttons, and I see that 44+ are standard for the SEQ. I can easily mail something like that out internationally in a standard padded envelope, if anyone is interested.

And if anyone knows what similar items cost. I'd like to see, and I'll beat that price.

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Hi, that appears to be the same item. Thanks! The legs are like that and must be straightened to fit into perf board.

However, mine are not 6mm. I have some Wima 5mm caps and they also fit the three perf spacing, but the body is a tad wider than these switches.

If however these are the same thing, I'd sell batches for 0,8EU each, or 12 cents US. Shipping in a padded envelope would be something like 1,5EU or 2.50 US. That's $7.78 US or 5EU for a batch of 44. You'd have to find buttons for them yourself. Paypal would be an extra 3% fee.

What do you think? Anyone?

Note that these are a bit wobbly. The cap the buttons affix to have some play. If you can find an Andromeda, check any of the buttons and that's them. It's only really noticable if you hold them down and move them around.

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I helped to define it so it's not so intimidating to me. However, in attempting to digest the capabilities and configurations of the MIDIbox, I am learning how newbies to the A6 must feel.

The A6 knobs are nice but they're not solid plastic. That would have been -very- nice. I prefer Moog (Cosmo) style knobs (dot for pointer, not line) but they're $4.00 each from synthesizers.com and are only available in large quantities from Cosmo!!!

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