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Is OPL3 the same synth as Creative Music Synth [220]

Green Xenon

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How do I post the wave files? There doesn't seem to be an "attachment" option on this forum.

right under the comment box, there's a little plus(+) button with "additional options..." next to it.  click the plus(+) button and away you go.  i would recommend however, converting them to .mp3 or something similar for file size limitations.  anyway, i hope that helps.

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Here is an attachment of the audio file. It's compressed in MP3 format, 24 kbps, 24 kHz sample-rate [which I regret]. The song is "The Way It Is" originally sung by "Bruce Hornsby and The Range".

Please try to ignore the MP3 compression artifacts, I know they are very annoying. If the forum allowed me to attach the WMA format version of this audio [which IMHO is much better], I'd do exactly that.

I was initally planning to post the WMA file which is 20 kbps and 44.1 kHz sample-rate. Sorry for the inconvenience. MP3s are definitely not my choice of compression but I'm left with no option.

For MP3s, a minimum of 32 kbps is required in order to use a 44.1 sample-rate -- the file would be too large, though. So I had to settle with a not-so-good 24 kHz sample-rate in order not to exceed the 1,024 KB limit for attachments.

Enjoy! This is my favorite song played through an OPL3 MIDI synth.



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i would recommend however, converting them to .mp3 or something similar for file size limitations.

They should be small anyway, and you don't know what the MP3 encoding will do to the sound. Not a good call. Wav files are the go for testing like this. WMA would be worse still. If you must compress, go lossless, FLAC.

You don't do it with a song, just a patch playing a single note. The very minimum required for repreducing the effect in question. You should also include a recording of a patch from the synth that does not have this effect, and all the details of the patch.

You stil haven't answered the question: Why?

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They should be small anyway, and you don't know what the MP3 encoding will do to the sound. Not a good call. Wav files are the go for testing like this. WMA would be worse still. If you must compress, go lossless, FLAC.

i didn't even consider artifacting... woops!  my bad.  i was just saving him the frustration of trying to upload files that were too big... just trying to help. ;D

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What? how big is this file? You should only need to record a second or two. I mean, technically you only need one cycle of the waveform although it would be very inconvenient..

No I haven't listened to the song, I know that one, I just wanna hear this 'bug' :)

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you could use a good quality MP3, maybe use 192 or 256 kbps instead of the 24 kbps from last time ;)  MP3 isn't an unusable format for this, only more than 128 kbps are necessary to be sure no artifacts are clouding the view :)


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The whole song is 25 MB.

Like I said, a song is useless, we just need one single held note, of one patch that does this.

I've got a 9-second Wave-file sample that is below 1,024 kb but the messageboard does not supporting attachment of Wave files. So I don't know how to post my wave file.

Are you not familiar with zip files?

you could use a good quality MP3

I wouldn't trust his encoder not to mess with it... there are already enough unknown variables, like cabling, drivers, etc, which we can't check.... It's possible to use a wav file, so why not :)

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Just to clear up some confusion :

"Creative Music Synth" is simply the MIDI device name you see in Windows. You can name it whatever you want if you modify the driver's INF file before installing it.

Creative's drivers have a fixed "General MIDI" sound bank you can't change the sounds.

If you decide to make your own sounds with a stock ISA card, you can go on MIDIOX's website (http://midiox.com/)

Go in MIDI Tools and download "FM Synth", "SBTimbre" and "IBK".

SBTimbre allows you to make your own sounds for the OPL3, it saves them as banks in the IBK format.

IBK is a collection of custom sound banks.

FM Synth is a Windows 9x driver that replaces Creative's driver, and is allowing you to use the sounds you saved in IBK files.

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If you can't hear something wrong with that, then definitely

your setup isn't quite right

After you've processed it like that, the sound is so low in volume that when you makeup those levels it's drowned in noise from your soundcard/cabling/PC fans.

You didn't include the original stereo recording, so it's hard to tell, but the mono mix makes it look like this is a panning/stereo width effect, and not a phase error at all...

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If you can't hear something wrong with that, then definitely

After you've processed it like that, the sound is so low in volume that when you makeup those levels it's drowned in noise from your soundcard/cabling/PC fans.

You didn't include the original stereo recording, so it's hard to tell, but the mono mix makes it look like this is a panning/stereo width effect, and not a phase error at all...

Here is the original stereo recording.



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Both channels are identical. If I invert the left, and mix it with the right, it cancels out completely.

Sorry man but you're just wrong, there's no phase errors/features here. I don't know what you did to it in your first zip.... Uhm... I think you need a bit more experience in the studio before this kind of analysis.

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