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Sell original C64 PSU (eu) + 3x 6581 + 2x 6582


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Hello guys,

I sell some "specific" parts you need, to build your own MB-6582 synth!

1 x original C64 PSU (eu) : 15 € - CANCEL

3 x 6581 SID chips : 20 €/piece - CANCEL

2 x 6582 SID chips : 20 €/piece - CANCEL

1 x white with blue back lightLCD 2*16 : 15€ - CANCEL

1 x white with blue back lightLCD 4*20 : 20€ - CANCEL

6 x PIC18F4685 : 10 €/piece - CANCEL

1 x "PIC Burner" soldered card : 20 € - CANCEL

The SID chips are fully functionnal.

I prefer sell all parts together (I can reduce the price for all), but I can sell them separatly.

You must add shipment cost to the price.



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I take it you changed your mind about building it? What happened?

Really need a SID synth now  ;) No more time to spend in that project...

1. is it CS+BASE pcbs set or only base pcb?

It is only the base PCB...

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Ahh going the commercial route, that explains it. Sorry you ran outta time man.

At this time, I am not sure from my decision... :-\

I'll see, if I sell my parts before Smash finish his "kit" or not...  ::)

I had the SIDStation some years ago... I can buy it a second times... And the new HardSID 4U rocks with VST integration.

You know, I am more a musician than a "midi geek" (sure I am a midi geek too), but now I need a SID synth to finish some songs parts. I can't wait more... You understand I suppose ;)

I am not impatient for that project, etc..., I am working on other projects to pass the time (FM synth near to be finished  ;D), but I just need SID synth now. I am just a little disappointed, because I spent a lot of money in that operation...

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1 x original Wilba MB-6582 base PCB (red edition) : 20 € - IN STOCK

1 x original C64 PSU (eu) : 15 € - IN STOCK

3 x 6581 SID chips : 20 €/piece - IN STOCK

2 x 6582 SID chips : 25 €/piece - IN STOCK

1 x white with blue back lightLCD 2*16 : 15€ - IN STOCK

1 x white with blue back lightLCD 4*20 : 20€ - IN STOCK

6 x PIC18F4685 : 10 €/piece - IN STOCK

1 x "PIC Burner" soldered card : 25 € - IN STOCK

This is totally overpriced !

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faton, I am most displeased.

I've just noticed that I had misread the prices on your post. I thought it was $USD, not euro $.

How do you find it reasonable to charge more than Wilba sold it for? I would strongly encourage you to realign your prices with the price you paid - and shipping is your loss for changing your mind, don't add that on.


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What's that got to do with this thread?

you supposed to have one already, that's what i mean, so jumping on another one while smash probably gonna offer another one + extras soon is what motivated my 'do you really need it' post. but when it comes w/o cs pcb, i have to cease myself again. no matter S1!  ;) let's be friends again  ;D

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Kartoshka, sounds like you still don't understand S1 doesn't want to buy that PCB ;D

Fatom, I really don't understand if you need a SID synth that urgently why you didn't just use that PCB a year ago to build yourself a SID synth.... All these people waiting for parts kits and complaining because they're too lazy to dig into the parts list and order that stuff somewhere else is really beyond my comprehension. My 6582 PCB was making sounds less than two weeks after I got it. The case and panel isn't finished yet but at least I could make music for a year instead of complaining ;)


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Fatom, I really don't understand if you need a SID synth that urgently why you didn't just use that PCB a year ago to build yourself a SID synth.... All these people waiting for parts kits and complaining because they're too lazy to dig into the parts list and order that stuff somewhere else is really beyond my comprehension. My 6582 PCB was making sounds less than two weeks after I got it. The case and panel isn't finished yet but at least I could make music for a year instead of complaining Wink

In fact I wait for some months, but now, I simply need a working synth  ;D and I wont any favour, I just sell the parts I bought, because, I will not build that project. ;)

faton, I am most displeased.

I've just noticed that I had misread the prices on your post. I thought it was $USD, not euro $.

How do you find it reasonable to charge more than Wilba sold it for? I would strongly encourage you to realign your prices with the price you paid - and shipping is your loss for changing your mind, don't add that on.


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I don't paid anything for that PCB... Sorry, I resolve that problem  (deleted) ;)

This is totally overpriced !

Price adjusted...

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Looks like you're still selling the SIDs at a profit?

I paid them that price with shipping... Do you prefer I sell them on ebay?

So now you're not selling it at all? Or you already sold it?

I keep it, and I don't sell that board to anyone./

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I paid them that price with shipping... Do you prefer I sell them on ebay?

Is that a threat?

No, I'd prefer that you sell them for what you paid for them, and accept the loss of shipping costs as part of your decision not to build the synth. That's what I said before:

realign your prices with the price you paid - and shipping is your loss for changing your mind, don't add that on.

So why get all snippy about it? Do you expect to be able to do whatever you want and noone else should care?

I just don't understand it... I mean you're being tight fisted over the shipping costs but don't plan on selling the PCB like you could... And you were quick to adjust the pricing after the first posts, like you wanted to do the right thing, but this particular example has been an exception.... Seems contradictory... I don't get it.

I keep it, and I don't sell that board to anyone./

Man that's such a waste :( Surely there are lots of people who would really like to have that board, and why lose more than you have to?

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As I said to Wilba, finally I decided to build the synth myself without smash's kit...

I am sorry for the misunderstood. I will not sell the board or any part.

I just change my point of view, because I spoke about my midibox disapointments to some friends last night,

and one of my friends who is good in electronic etc... purpose me help to find pieces.

I hope it will not cause any problem?


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