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switching encoder/ledrings assignments with a button

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so - my idea is:

i have an encoder and underneath 3 illuminated buttons. what i would want to do is that when i press one button it lits up, the encoder sends for example cc1 and also the ledring around it receives cc1. when i press another button it lits up, the first button goes of and now the encoder sends cc2 and the ledring receives cc2.

is that possible actually ?

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any idea how to achieve that ? some hints maybe ... i mean should i try to rewrite the mb64e code or start something from scratch ?

actually i would prefer start from scratch in c but i couldn't find an example for driving ledrings in c on the forum.

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Addendum: with MB64E you can achieve this by assigning buttons to the group switching functions as documented here:


128 parameters are available per bank, which means: if you are using 16 rotary encoders, they are splitted over 8 groups.

LEDs: one DOUT has to be mapped to value "9":

#    9     Selected Group (1 of 8 )

so that 1 of 8 LEDs is lit depending on the selected group.

see also the midibox64e.ini file of the mk_syx package

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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