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Pot LED ring idea/question


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Closed source it is, but Admir is a very accomodating kind of guy. I'd suggest you build the meters as Stryd says, into a 24x8 matrix (this will fit on a single 4xDOUT board).

Once you have this working in a replicatable way, see if you can get admir to do you a firmware with the input meters replicated a-la the DOUT matrix

(you would of course require TK's permission to do this)

and it should be simple -ish...

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nobody needs anybodies permission to use serial registers...

Of course not, but to implement the LED matrix code, you could

a) do a whole lot of work and hope it works... or

b) use a small number of MIOS drivers to make the whole smash a lot easier.

Mind you, the eDrum 24 has multiplexed AINs, so I'd imagine Admir is capable of coding a 24x8 LED matrix using shift registers.

I think my concern was more about physically connecting the two projects, and any ramifications which may arise.

I can't remember what I was thinking.

Lousy brain.

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I was actually going to ask you to clarify what you meant by needing TK's permission.. 

I've always been under the impression (especially with projects like midibox) its okay to modify, hack and re-use  to your hearts content as long as its only for personal use, which this is.

I'm also perfectly confident that your correct on Admir being capable of coding a 24x8 matrix into the edrum... but I don't really want to bother him with something as mundane as adding LED velocity meters. Especially where he seems so busy lately.

My PIC's and shift registers should be here early in the week. Can't wait to start testing!

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I think the challenge of adding a bit LED matrix to the EDrum is one of timing.The EDrum is scanning a lot of analog inputs, and it has to do it fast. It is also managing (of course) MIDI transmission and the display.

Anything that delays it further might be come with a cost in response time.

By monitoring the MIDI out from the EDrum and using a MIDIBox to manage the LEDs, you are assured that your "shiny stuff" is not costing you any timing delays.

It also makes the project portable to any other MIDI instruments.

Just my two cents. And probably that's about what my thoughts are worth!



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(especially with projects like midibox)

MIDIbox has a unique license.

its okay to modify, hack and re-use  to your hearts content as long as its only for personal use, which this is.

Maybe, but using TK's code in a closed source project is a can of worms. Anyhow, let's not go there, doing an external box is surely the best way here anyway.

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MIDIbox has a unique license.

I'm curious, but where exactly is this "unique license" you talk of? From the forum read's I would guess its the GPL but I really can't find any posting's or links directing me to the specific license.  I like knowing what I'm limited to and can do with a given project.

Maybe, but using TK's code in a closed source project is a can of worms. Anyhow, let's not go there

Sorry.. but my innate curiosity is bringing me there. I won't bring it up again after this!  .. and I know we should be discussing more pressing matters like electronics but your statements left me with more questions.

Like, what can of worms are you talking about?  I'm still confused as to how I would be breaking any licensing agreement by directly integrating edrum and midibox... or midibox and anything else for that matter.

Surely I understand that I cannot, nor could Admir, take code directly from the ucapps MIOS and then re-distribute it to everyone or anyone at edrum but I still fail to see why there would be a problem doing so for my own personal use. Closed source or not. 

I personally only see an issue with re-distributing (free or otherwise) the modifications. At least based off of my, I'm sure, incorrect interpretation of the Canada Copyright Act it would fall under "Fair Dealing" for me.

Mind you I'm no lawyer...  and have been known to be incorrect from time to time....    but who isn't!  :)

Either way, I won't bring it up again...  Its all largely pointless anyways with the way I'm doing it having no license issues.

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