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This is more or less out of date : http://www.ucapps.de/howto_tools_gpasm.html

There appears to no longer be any included make.bat files included. Is there another method to compile in windows? I tried typing in the example line of "gpasm -p 18f4685 -I ./src setup_6581.asm but it includes errors about missing files. I add ./include (because the vectors files was missing) and it doesn't work.

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It's more like there are many pages that all say things a little differently:



C Interface


Windows Toolchain Core


All of them more or less are saying the same thing, differently, probably by a different person. They're all in different places and accessible from different places. I'll try the new version you brought to my attention, which was apparently linked at the bottom of another instead of listed in parallel ... ...

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Two by the same person (Me) and if you read them you'll know what it's all about  ;D

http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/windows_toolchain_quickstart  - Quickstart guide. For tech-savvy people who just want to get up and running, quick.

http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/windows_toolchain_core  - Detailed instructions for the core components. The detailed instructions are broken into sections. You need the detailed instructions if you're having trouble with the quickstart, are a newbie, or if you're a guru and want a nonstandard setup but need a full reference to how it normally works.

First line of the first link:

Most users just want to download the source, configure the code for their hardware, and compile it. If that’s you, and you’re familiar with Windows, the Quick Start Guide will get you up and running, quick and easy. If you have any problems, or want to know all the gory step-by-step details, you may prefer the Detailed Setup Guides

They're all in different places and accessible from different places.

Err mostly no... the quickstart is linked to, only from the app development page. The detailed guides' sections are all interlinked, and also linked from the app dev page.

  I'll try the new version you brought to my attention, which was apparently linked at the bottom of another instead of listed in parallel ... ...

The ucapps link you posted just now is TK's and will probably be revamped/removed/linked to the wiki/whatever, once the modular structure that you're doing now, has been tested more and is ready for a full release... Likewise, the one you were reading before, which said that the document you were reading then had been updated... Again, the reason why there's a mix of old instructions and new, on ucapps.de, is that the wiki pages need to be confirmed working OK before the old documentation is removed, so we have old docs pointing to new docs. Which is why it's good that you're testing it, thankyou!

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If they were organized, in one sensical place with brief descriptions of each link, it would have been easier. Instead I find different ones each time in different places and have no idea which one I'm looking for. Some reference .bats that don't exist, maybe for other projects like the FM but not the most recent SID.

I'll give it a whirl

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If they were organized, in one sensical place with brief descriptions of each link, it would have been easier.

Well, once they've been tested, that is exactly what will happen.

Edit: unles you count where it's already done: Setup & Install

have no idea which one I'm looking for. Some reference .bats that don't exist, maybe for other projects like the FM but not the most recent SID.

It is a little confusing but the pages do all explain it :)

.bat files are all a thing of the past with the new structure. Just go with the new doco on the wiki that I wrote, and you'll be set. This only counts for projects like the SID or MB808 which have been released with the new structure.

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Looks like it actually worked!

Wicked! It's only a handful of installers so shouldn't take too long.... but I know that clipboard pain, it sucks...

You should make a bat

That does what?

I thought about making an installer for all of these packages but figured it wasn't worth the trouble of constantly updating the installer when a new package is released, when compared to installing the few packages separately... And there are actually two less packages needed than before :)

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Anyhow it doesn't matter.

It does to me :) You're being a pioneer here so your feedback is mega valuable man.

Did you mean this :

cd c:\<your application directory>
SET PATH=C:\MSYS\1.0\bin;C:\MinGW\bin;%programfiles%\gputils\bin;%programfiles%\SDCC\bin;%PATH%

The good news is that you don't have to type that whole thing every time - if you set the PATH enviranment variable permanently to include those directories.

I've updated the doc to hint at that, and point at the instructions from the detailed guides on how to do it.... http://www.midibox.org/dokuwiki/windows_toolchain_quickstart#build_application

Is that better?

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Well maybe if you just separate it like "install this... set these path variables... okay, everything is setup, now just go to any directory and say "make" and it will. Also I assume you could even make a script that just goes "cd to directory this bat is placed in. Run make". The more forks you make the harder to understand, (as in, what do you mean I "can" save the path setting permanently?).

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Well maybe if you just separate it like "install this... set these path variables... okay, everything is setup, now just go to any directory and say "make" and it will.

Well that's what the quickstart guide was before...

Also I assume you could even make a script that just goes "cd to directory this bat is placed in. Run make"

Well you'd already be in the directory if you ran the bat file :D Also the idea with this is that you can just run a few commands to get into it, creating and editing batch files isn't really within the scope. We just want to run a few installers and then type the necessary commands to use them.

The more forks you make the harder to understand, (as in, what do you mean I "can" save the path setting permanently?).

Exactly. That's why there are two documents - quickstart (no forks) for the people familiar with windows, and detailed guides (fork-fest) for those who aren't, or those experienced users who want to know all the forks.

Maybe I should remove the part I just added then?

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Set the path (you'll only have to do this once):

Well it doesn't work like that - you have to set it every time. Path changes made in a command shell are not permanent, that's why you have to do it in the GUI, or type it every time...

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Oh, crap. Sorry, I mistake these things with linux sometimes.

Y'know I only compile in windows because I recalled it was rather simple that way, I think I might have been better off figuring this out in linux anyhow.

Just so you know, there is a tool called setx which is not included in the default windows installation but is a free addon. Things like messing with path variables is not what falls into the category of general use ;)

That said, the whole wiki process there, is to make your windows box behave like unix; so if you have a *nix box, you can use the posix tools in there and it should work fine. I hope you'll add to the doco on the wiki for all the other linux people, like me when I next try it out ;)

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