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LCD Display Flaky


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I have a feeling I may know the answer to this, but thought I would ask in case I missed something. My LCD was working fine but now seems to be flaking out. In particular, when I power on my MB-SID, it just displays bars across the top. It seems to flash briefly before it displays the bars again. Now it didn't work yesterday but today it seemed to work briefly. So I think it might be a bad solder joint, but I'm not sure how to test it. Just using my multimeter to trace the pins doesn't show any issues. This problem recently surfaced in the last few days. The LCD is running in 4-bit mode, and I'll admit I only recently added the pull-up resistor to the D3 pin. The problem surfaced before that, but has not gone away since adding it either.


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Running MIOS on a 4685 (which defaults to 4-bit mode) with the LCD wired as 8-bit, can fry your PIC.

one more time, because saying it 1 million times doesn't seem enough ;D

Running MIOS on a 4685 (which defaults to 4-bit mode) with the LCD wired as 8-bit, can fry your PIC.

I don't understand why so many people have this idea that you can wire the thing up and ignore the schematic and TK's design and instructions, and expect it to work OK. Sure, it *might*. It *might* also fry the PIC or the LCD.

I'm not singling you out here m00die - you're one of many to make this mistake :)

Check the cabling, twice, as per cimo's instructions.

Try reburning the bootloader, re-upload MIOS, re-upload the app (try one of TK's hex files first, in case your mods broke it)

All in mios studio, smart mode, wait for upload request... blah blah

One at a time, as always ;)

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Actually, Stryd, to be specific, only 4 of the data-pins were connected to the LCD. I simply didn't have the pull-up resistor. At least not until yesterday :) So I think I was only half wrong. Same result could occur I suppose *shrug*. I kinda wish Smash would break out a 4-bit LCD optimized CORE but I guess that is something I may have to do myself at some point.

ultra, I tried reflashing already but I didn't think about trying the ohm meter. That is one aspect I'm not too familiar with - what values would be considered bad? And I assume if it is bad, I just need to resolder the connections between the PIC and the LCD?

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Turns out the LCD was damaged. I had an extra one lying around so I soldered some pin headers to it, hooked it up, and everything is working! I can only imagine it was caused by me not hooking something up properly (backwards or without the resistor). That or static discharge is real :)

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