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Motor Faders


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My next project could be a 16 channel mixer with a mute, solo button a pan and 4 aux potis on each strip.

How many channels can i control with the MF module?

I need 80 potis, 17 motor. faders and aprox. 64 buttons. Is this possible?



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At the moment the MF supports 8 faders per core module as the AIN's of the MF are connected directly to the AIN's of the core.

Its very possible to do what you want to do but it may involve building several MB64's and chaining them together via midi ports

Im building something similar to you; however my plan is for 8 motor faders with mute and solo buttons/leds (double as a 16 step sequencer!), pan and 2 fx sends knobs per channel. I will have additional non-motorised master fader control with several aux knobs.

I have gone for a 8 channel for several reasons (mainly cost! $$$$$) but also it should be easy to switch between controlling the first 8 channels second 8 and so on, (using a bankstick!?)

for the above I needed:

2x core modules (1 for MB64 & 1 for motorfaders)

2x AINx4

2x DINx4

1x DOUx4

1x LTC (optional)

1x MF

2xLCD's (only have one at present but I think I need another for the motorfader control)

I think I might NEED a SID also  ;)


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The core module supports up to 64(!) motorfader.

Every Potie can be motorized.

BUT: (today)

touchdetection works with only 16faders.

All faders are moved sequenziell, not parallel.

To move 64 motorfader with one core module can be to slow. My both coremodules drives 16motorfaders. Together 32. Works fine.

(There is an old layout from me, with this you can easiely cascaded more than one.)

BUT: (later)

There will be a version where one core module drives only 8faders, but real parallel. Thorsten has not sent me her the ciurcuit plan until now. Neigther the software. So I can nothing say about it. I only know that my old layout with one shiftregister will not work anymore. He uses two sr for the motordrivers.

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Yes this is what im refering to

With old design the faders do not move in parallel

My understanding is The new design is the only choice if you want a real time automated system.  ???

http://www.ucapps.de/mbhp_mf.html has all the details

"now the 8 faders are directly connected to the 8 analog inputs."

If you dont care about your faders moving at the same time the orginal plan is fine.... otherwise you will need 1 core per 8 faders, however you could expand the motor fader board with another 8 tc4427's but you would still need 2 cores

However I could be wrong as my Motor faders are not up and running yet.

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Ok, let's say i do it with 2 core modules and 2 mf modules. 1 connected to it's core module. Do i need an other core for the 64 potis and for the buttons or can i use one of the others?. Can i link the 2 core's so i need just one display and don't recognize that 2 or more core's are working in the back?



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If it works the way I think it works :D

Then yes you would need a seperate core for the 64 Pots as there would be no remaining inputs on the other 2 core modules.

More than 8 faders is not currently supported (except by chaining with midi cables) in the next versions of the firmware Thorsten hopes to implement a way to link the processors together

Quoting TK:

"The first firmware will provide direct MIDI control, the following firmware versions the possibility to concat modules together to a multiprocessor system."

I guess if this happens then you should be able to control/view multiple boards with the one LCD??

This part of the MB_HP project is very new (firmware v1 beta) The best thing would be to wait till Thorsten comes back from holiday so he can confirm what it will/wont be able to do; (as Im really just giving you my understanding of whats on the uCapps site)

good luck

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I'm new there.

My plan is to build a 16channel control surface.

But, I'm not going to use any pot : I want automate stuff, I want to be able to load a song from my Multitrack recorder software, and the control surface to follow the mix....

1 MF, 1 encodeur and maybe 4 switch per channel, this way you can control every param of the chan (I hope it's possible to set this....).

To do this : motor fader and encoder.... I think it's the only way to get something really easy to use.

I want to add also the control for play, record ect... but I will make it later.

For the LCD, I don't know if it's possible to plug one that work with all core, (for my project I plan to use 2 core for MF, 1 or 2 for encoder and switch). But there's a very easy way to use 1 LCD with moire than one core : just make a little circuit that switch the LCD from the different core, maybe some firmware change is need to refresh the LCD when it's select for a core.

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Ok, let's see and wait till Horsten is back from holiday. It would be very cool to use more than 8 channels. With 2 MF modules and some cores or with a extended MF module that support 16 or more channels.

I have a 16 in and out interface for my pulsar/scope card and do the mixing on my scope but i need a mixer (controller) for my main parts of my scope mixing.

But it's not urgent, first i have to finish my tb-303/midibox and my tr-909 clone.



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I made the tb-303 clone from Carlos Germany (LosDos).


The clone works and the sound is much the same as the original. It's the same schematic as the original. The pcb is not very professional. Broken pipes etc. You have a lot to do the get it to work. It's also a bit expensive. The midi-interface is using a 80C31 and in the part description a some expensive transistors. (You can use the much cheaper us versions)

Next time i would use the one from oakley sound. Much better pcb and some extra features like cv/gate/accent/slide in etc. But i don't know if it sound exactly the same as the original. It's a slightly modifyed schematic.


The TR-909 is from Trevor Page:


It's an very professional PCB. But a lot of work! 2 PCB's to do and the part's will cost about 300 Euro.

I have all the part's now and now it's time to start...  :D

So, i really don't know how this thing sound's, but it should be the same as the original. The schematic looks the same.



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