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SID exchange: 2x6581 for 1x8580


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Since one of my 2 SID 8580 seems to have a "broken" filter, or at least a filter that doesnt work properly... and i have some spare SID at home...  i propose to some of you to exchange 2x6581 with 1 SID 8580

the 6581s read:

1) 6581 R4AR 4486 15

2) 6581 R4 3586 S

regarding the "not working" 8580: i have 2 SID modules (of course) and 2 cores (still with V1.7). when i tweak the resonance settings, one SID works well and the other does not. i tried to exchange the  SID chips in the two boards, and the behaviour is exchanged... so the problems lies in the SID and not in the board/connections...

the two 8580s read:

1) 8580R5 2290 25 (not working)

2) 8580R5 2085 25 (working)

all the other synth settings seems to work well...

if you watn, i will add also this "broken" sid to the exchange! :-)

i'm in italy, please reply here or with a private message/email!


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I'd be interested, I have:

CSG 8580R5 3789 25

CSG 8580R5 0590 25

but NO means to test those two yet! (I lack working PSU). Could take a week, or several before I get a new one. Maybe I send both to you and you ship the other one back with the 6581's?

I also have spare 6582A's (Wilba tested), which should function same way with your 8580R5. Or we could change 2x 6582A's for that working 8580R5 + 2x6581's?

Let me know what you think.

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