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Thanks for clearing that up Thorsten,

 Looks like I didn't read the GPL properly  :-[. I'm sure everyone will understand Thorsten's viewpoint... I really understand the value of spare time, in this world, especially if you have an employer (like I used to) who dosen't understand this!

Robotfunk... yes nothing beats a real midibox!

and I would never want to do anything to jeopardise the open source commuity that comes with the midibox

Maybe I will rethink whether I help these people for money or not... maybe I will ask them to give me some parts for my next midibox in exchange for my time in helping them with midibox creation!

have fun with those midiboxes, from Steve

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Hey all!

<soapbox>When you think about building a midibox for someone, just remember you will be depriving them of a valuable chance to learn about electronics.  I'm not saying that you should not charge someone to use your hard-learned skills, especially considering all of the hours some of us have put in with a soldering iron.  Back in my tech days a free service call was out of the question.  8)

Never before has there been such a rewarding project for so little effort, and the magnitude of the features of the MB make the satisfaction factor high, it's really easy to stay interested and motivated during planning and construction.

Now that the board release is looming I'll be concentrating on the best possible construction documentation.  I have been working on a visual guide to the various boards, and the approach is to make it easy for someone fresh into electronics to build the boards, and learn a lot along the way.  Not that the documentation here isn't great (it obviously works fine!) I just want to make it a no-brainer for someone who is still getting the hang of soldering.

My philosophy for building for others:  Show up with a bag of parts, I'll try to make sure you have everything you need but construction does not happen.  Show up with a board you have put together and fired up but something is not right, and I'll stay up all night if I have to with you to figure out what's wrong.

I don't remember how the exact saying goes, but you give a man fish, he eats for a day, give him a fishing pole and he eats forever.


A lot of pro production people get to see me use (and sometimes they rent) equipment that I have engineered and built, from chain hoist controllers to my infamous "hazer from hell" to the controller running the show, so there is usually some interest about what will show up next.  Now half of the business cards I give out have this site address on them, it's great to be able to share a project with them that won't kill or mame a performer or patron if they build it wrong.  :)

Sorry for the long post!


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you give a man fish, he eats for a day, give him a fishing pole and he eats forever.

I want to put this Bible quote too ;D Even if I don't believe in god and such stuff, this is so right!

SmashTV, is there way to see picture of all the things you made? ;D

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SmashTV, is there way to see picture of all the things you made? ;D
Well, I don't know where to start.  Right now the main PA rig is in my garage so I cant even move in there, much less take a picture.  

Photos of the equipment wouldnt do it justice anyway, I need to collect up some of the pics I have of my stuff in action and post.  Otherwise it all looks like a bunch of cables and abused road cases.....  ;)

If you want to see a very short (30 sec) promo of a small chunk of the light show in action, check out http://www.avicreative.com/showqt/ but be warned, it's 15+megs in size for a 30 second clip.  It's basically made from Russel our lighting op playing with a new video cam and Dave the edit boy playing around in Final Cut.  If you go frame by frame on the quick parts, there are still shots of me and others setting up and operating the show.

I'll make sure to gather up some pics.  The ones from the pyro days are likely to be the best..... ;)  (man I miss that gunpowder smell)  ;D ;D ;D

Have fun!


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Hey Smash,

 good points! Maybe it will be more fun that way too, and keeping in the excellent philosophy of a free project.  ;D

 BTW, I looked at your ordering site, and it is great! I hope Thorsten puts up a link, cos those 3d pics will make it easier for anyone to work out where to put the bits!

 Expect orders from me, and my buddies who need help soon! (no more rsi from drilling pcb's for me! ...I hope your drilling is automated... ;))

BTW, I don't mind long posts, when they have something good to say!

Hey Ian, sorry to get way off topic, but I'm pretty sure you don't mind!

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yeah yeah yeah..... but how do you do that thing that makes the other persons quote go in dat little blue box?

mmm slightly off topic ???

Right above where you read this post, is a little image with "Quote" written on it... That'll automatically put it in, and you can check out the tags...

Hope that helps

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yeah yeah yeah..... but how do you do that thing that makes the other persons quote go in dat little blue box?


[ quote][/quote ]

Right above where you read this post, is a little image with "Quote" written on it... That'll automatically put it in, and you can check out the tags...

well actually, the button above where you type in all your post dosen't say "insert quote" until you move the mouse pointer over it. (not sure whether 'baloon help' has to b switched on or not)

hey LO, insert the quoted text between these [ quote][/quote ] with the paste command

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I use Opera instead of IE.

Although some pages are not displayed correctly, i can really recommend Opera to anyone. It's really a user friendly browser that's far more customisable than IE. Integrated email if you want to. Skin support.

The reason that some pages aren't displayed correctly is that most pages are optimized for IE. But sometimes even other pages aren't correctly displayed when using IE. So I just use Opera and once in a while i use IE for the sites that demand it.

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