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Simply to the point:

Any old Amiga PSU.

The Amiga PSU puts out 5v and -12v / +12v at totally over adequate ratings for the MBFM.

It would be fine for even a highly expanded version.

A bit chunky.

You won't find the square DIN socket easily either unless removed from an Amiga.

Just lop the end off and put on your own type of connectors.

I just bought one in a lot with three joysticks, but really only wanted two of the joysticks.

I will use the PSU in another project though if working..

A Kempston Competition Pro 5000 (my favourite joystick ever, for emulators) a Konix Speedking (another highly reputed stick) and another very obscure thing I can't find any info on at all. I will make a PS/2 or USB keyboard interface to convert these joysticks into keyboard keypress emus, for emus ;)


Sidetracked ;)

Just a thought as I'm sure an Amiga PSU is not hard to find and is much less hassle than other methods.

External PSU will also allow more compact designs to a degree.


But.. BUT!!

What will your Amiga use?

You can't retire an Amiga just for it's power supply.

That would be wrong.

You won't get anywhere near my Amigas buddy. :-)

Have Fun,



So it's ok to cut up a C64 and use its power supply? :)


Maybe I should clarify.

Buy a PSU on its own on eBay or similar.

Don't hack up your working Amiga, or C64, or WHY? if avoidable.


Yes, it's OK to hack up a C64 power supply.

Since you already ripped the SID from it, it won't make much noise about getting stripped anyway.


This message was written on an AmigaOne running OS4.

Have Fun,



oh guiseppi, you're always coming to my rescue!! ;D  if this works, it will solve my problem with finding PSU's for the MBAY and FM!  i don't have an amiga and i sure as hell wouldn't retire it if i did but i'm sure i can find PSU's somewhere...  would this PSU be the A500/1200 variety?


According to this link:


There are 4 types for A500/600/1200.

I only mentioned this in case someone has one lying around gathering dust or can get one.

There are less of these floating around the second hand market than C64 PSU's.

A C64 PSU would work well too, with less voltage (+/- 9v reg. or so from a voltage doubler) and I don't think that would make any noticeable difference.

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