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Programming Platforn / Old PIC info / Can of Worms

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There's a few pages in the wiki that deal with using the different pic types that are outdated/incomplete

I propose removing these pages and adding a new page that deals with the details of the 3 supported PICs and using them under the MIOS programming platform.

Is there any docs about 'using' the new platform yet?

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Tidying up the existing doco is a big job (often as big or bigger than the task of nameing it), but when done right, it's a really good thing. I usually do a cleanup binge whenever I see something that's getting messy, so I encourage others to do likewise... and of course no changes are final on a wiki, so if you make a mistake, then it can always be fixed ;) Go for it!

I like the idea of a single page which covers the three (and more) PICs which can be used. Not sure how much detail can go into it, but it's a good idea.

Tips: Remove everything that's duplicated or outdated. If you remove outdated stuff, replace it with new info, and put a pointer to the old info there, so that if people find old info, they'll know to ignore it when they read your page.

Follow backlinks when you remove a page, so that you can update links to your replacement doco.

Search the forum for corroborating info. You don't wanna put the wrong info on there and get egg on your face when someone screws up because of your words :)

Search for similar pages to the one you're working on, and follow links from it. If you find one little bit of mess, chances are there are related messes that should be cleaned at the same time.

OK You've opened a can of worms.....

There are no new platform docs as such, just the /doc/MEMO file on SVN to get the devs started up. However, if you're thinking of doing a *really* big tidy-up, then perhaps it should be considered to start arranging the files in a manner which 'makes room' for the new stuff when it's time to put it up there...

Ther are other things which could do with some attention, from memory: Like our three FAQs ;D something needs to be done there... and the blurred division between 'end-user' and 'developer' targeted doco should be removed too IMO.... Unless you're building a TK-clone or a wilbasid, "development" - to some degree, if only something minor like changing the number of pots in your controler, is unavoidable.

In general, I think that the doco could do with a more linear structure. The #1 request for doco, by  country mile, is a "start to end" tutorial on building "something". Of course, there are large amounts of duplicated documentations involved in doco like that - for example you don't need to explain how to build a core for a clockbox *and* a MBCV - it's the same thing.

If you view it from a distance, the beginning and end of the wiki should be the same for all projects:

Beginning: Welcome to MIDIbox.org!

End: Enjoy your song!

Everything inbetween, can fit into a sort of cigar-shaped structure, where topics branch out for specifics, and then re-merge where the split topics are no longer necessary.

I toyed with some layouts like this in visio flowcharts and it was looking pretty good, but it's a big ass job, so I've been sitting on the idea until the new platform doco is ready. Seems like an opportunity to bounce the ideas off you guys ;)

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mmmmmmmmmm... worms

ok.... so...

... yeah, worms

I think your right, we need an overview of the whole thing before it can really be cleaned up

maybe we need a 'how to build a ...' template


-All about it, what it does and blah

Skills / Equipment Required

Tools - link

Soldering - link


-list of modules - with links to how to build them

-list of pots, buttons, faders and blah - suggestions on good parts and where to buy them + how to hool them up - links

-Connection diagrams - link if needed

-Enclosure ideas - link to case construction tips? / provide space to encourage other users to wikify their case designs


-burning bootloader - link

-Core Tools - link

-MIOS Studio and Additional tools - link.

-The app and modification instructions

Usage manual link

The template can can reside in the wiki, for people to utilise on new projects


that should get everyone off the ground.

App development is a-whole-nother story.

I don't think the blurred line can be completly removed - but can be made much more in focus.

Perhaps there could be 2 main sections.

Constructing and Custom App Dev.

App dev section:

Getting Started

-burning bootloader - link

-Core Tools - link

-MIOS Studio and Additional tools - link.

Basic App Dev

-PIC types/details + pros and cons - link

-Using the mios programming platform - link

-Coding in C/asm - link to links

-mios functions - link

-Common errors/warnings/messages, what they mean and how to fix - link

Advanced App Dev

-using module code - eg. IIC, sdcard etc. - link

-Custom Linkers - link

-?more thats way beyond my skill level :D

Wikify Instructions

-Link to 'how do I build a ...' template



yep.... big......

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How to build a ... module template

Getting Started

-Where to buy PCB's - link

-How to etch - link

-Where to buy parts - link

-Tools Required - link

-Soldering - link

-Pin out list

-.brd file


Building it

-List of parts

-Building instructions

   -link out to terminating cables, etc

-Special Instructions links - (like smd soldering)


-Common issues

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Damn, durisian, I thought I typed a lot! :D

I like the idea of using templates like that to get some structure. I think the only section missing there, is the "How to build a [mbsid,mbfm,mblc,mbseq,etc]" , which allows a start-to-finish document. I guess it would go after the 'skills/equipment req'd' section, and each one would be a similar set of headings to the generalised 'hardware' section.

Thanks for your effort man!

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Please do not do anything before i update the wiki software. I tell my self every day that i will update it but i constantly have excusses for not doing it.

Currently we are lucky it still works with this version of smf.

However the wiki is outdated and really needs a new version (also better for the plugins)

Keep on dicussing on how it will look etc but do not take actions like this (it's a huge transformation) yet until i am done.

I will have a look into it in the upcomming week for the upgrade. And i am pretty sure i end up by putting back a backup. :(

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Thanks Twin.... oooo, upgrades.

I tell myself everyday that when I get up, i'm going to run round the block a few times, do some sit ups and then some weights... it never happens ;D

I think there will be some time before anything drastic happens

I think the only section missing there, is the "How to build a [mbsid,mbfm,mblc,mbseq,etc]"

I think you've missed a point - The template would be the guidline for all those.

So there would be 'how to build a [mbdm, mblc, etc]' sections that are updated to follow the template. The concept being all project docos will follow the same format.

A generic guide becomes almost irrelevant. However a basic run down of links at the top level would be handy for quick reference.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The Miditzer community is working on a document that takes you through MIDIfying an organ console using the MIDIO128 project. So far, for the hardware part they are using my Building a Core and Wiring an LCD documents. There is a new Loading and Configuring MIDIO128 section that they've added. You can see what they have come up with here:



This kind of stuff should become part of the new and improved Wiki so let us know what we can do to help this effort.

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just needs hands to copy/compile info in to the right places.

Anyone/Everyone is welcome to just jump in!

OK good, I thought we were at that stage. We are "Go" for the wiki rejig.

I'm a bit distracted at the moment but I'll do some bits and pieces soon.

Jim Your doco is always first rate. I'll either convert those to wiki format or upload the PDFs.

(Twin-X we still gotta fix that :( )

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm kicking this into place now.... The templates were a bit of a mishmash, there was a few circular links and misnamed pages, I've sorted it all out now... I think... It was really confusing...

Here's the template:


In the template, the links to pages at the root level all have this "new_wiki_layout" namespace as a prefix. When you create the new page, just remove it.

The rest of the pages in the template lack the namespace, so the links are already as they should be.

Go nuts!

Edit: Example is the wikify page



Edited only to note that it has been overhauled, and linking to the overhauled page:


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