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Real Time recording in SEQ V3 - revisited


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Hey TK, is it unrealistic to think that V3's realtime recording can be fixed up? Or is it beyond the scope of V3's hardware? (ever)

I know we discussed this indepth in another post,


And that you probably will be working on SEQV4 more than anything, but the realtime recording of V3 is the only real thorn in it's side as far as a perfect sequencer goes (IMHO).

I hope you don't think I'm coming across rude, and maybe I'm a minority when it come's to useing realtime record, but I really really do miss it.

Much love.



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Hi Mike,

due to resource limitations of the PIC (RAM/Flash/Timers) it's unlikely that I will be able to provide a better quantisation algorithm for MBSEQ V3. It will be a piece of cake for MBSEQ V4 on the STM32, especially because I already adjusted the programming concepts to simplify the implementation of certain feature requests.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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  • 4 months later...

Solved in MBSEQ V4! :)

      // take next step if it will be reached "soon" (>80% of current step)
      if( SEQ_BPM_IsRunning() ) {
        u32 timestamp = SEQ_BPM_TickGet();
        u8 shift_event = 0;
        if( t->timestamp_next_step_ref <= timestamp )
          shift_event = 1;
        else {
          s32 diff = (s32)t->timestamp_next_step_ref - (s32)timestamp;
          u32 tolerance = (t->step_length * 20) / 100; // usually 20% of 96 ticks -> 19 ticks
          // TODO: we could vary the tolerance depending on the BPM rate: than slower the clock, than lower the tolerance
          // as a simple replacement for constant time measuring
          if( diff < tolerance)
            shift_event = 1;

        if( shift_event ) {
          int next_step = seq_record_step + 1; // tmp. variable used for u8 -> u32 conversion to handle 256 steps properly
          if( next_step > tcc->length ) // TODO: handle this correctly if track is played backwards
            next_step = tcc->loop;
          MIOS32_MIDI_SendDebugMessage("Shifted step %d -> %d\n", seq_record_step, next_step);
          seq_record_step = next_step;
          t->state.REC_DONT_OVERWRITE_NEXT_STEP = 1; // next step won't be overwritten
          dont_play_step_now = 1; // next step will be played by sequencer, and not immediately

Intensively tested by recording drum/mono/poly sequences which are played by Logic Audio, shifted by delays of +/- 20% of a 16th note.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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