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DIN / DOUT all Leds light up


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well this time i wont fix the problem... after so many problems  allready had...

it is something i dont understand.

i connect one din and one dout

then it works good

but when i connect a second din, all leds but with diffrent voltages

on most i get around 0,8 - 1,5  volt and on the one that should light up i get 3,8 v

and on some other i get - 0,8 to - 0,4 volts

this only happens when there are two din connected and the rc line is connectet.

one din everything fine, two din with rc connectet not working

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i connect one din and one dout

then it works good

but when i connect a second din


this only happens when there are two din connected and the rc line is connectet.

one din everything fine, two din with rc connectet not working

Those two conflicting descriptions raise the question: What if there's no DOUTx4 module?


Is this with any combination of two DINx4? or do you only have two to test with? What about if you remove the IC's? Have you checked for soldering errors with a multimeter? What were the results from the SRIO test app?

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well, it is any combination of any din module.

i have 3 module to test. any modul as single connectet to the core can handle the buttons.

but as soon as any of any of these are added within the chain... all leds go up and no buttons react. it looks like the

application hang up, as long as i have rc connected

tomorow, i might do again some testing, also with the mentioned test application... thanks for the tipp  :D

however, since i spend a hole bunch of parts, i will rebuild the hole story from scratch.

i have made an eq with over 200 resistors, no probs... but for f... s... reason this 5 resitor midibox doesnt want to work. after so many problems i allready run in to (MIDI, display, shorts and so on), everything might be possible. so i

want a clean build, now i know wich problems might can occure... shit happens. i can use the remaining parts for some

other project like clockbox or what ever...

if the second builds failes also, you can have my parts

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  • 3 weeks later...

i just figured that it used to work with all thre module before..

i made one little video.. i watched it and saw, that there where all three modules connected.

but the midibox was laying around for 3 months, also later i messed it a little bit...

now i wantet to complete the frontpanel and there we go, it is not working anymore...

i will buy thekit once again, because i am really tired at solving problems...

but this time i will get a smasch TV Version...

As i have seen, i guess that the smaschTV version is more fail safe...

the bypass caps dont get soldered to the bottom side and also the mounting holes are properly

hopefully i can finaly present a working sequenzer next month  :-[

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i really dont want to start argumenting or how ever u will call it in englisch...

but as i allready said the smaschTV Boards are more up to date and also more fail safe...

this is something, even my rookie eyes can see...

for example the holes for the distance screws / holder or what ever they are called...

in the pcb`s i got from mike, this hole are as thin as the hiloe for the other stuff, so when i want to make them

biger, i have to be very carfully that i dont damage the lines.. actually u will damage them anyway... also when u

use distance screws they will for sure create a short unless u dont use some plastic things under the screws...

the other example is, that there are many caps and realy short wires wich have to been soldered underneth the

board. and that is a realy tricky part... and cause shorts...

also the schmasch tv boards have nice green color  :o

how ever, as i have mentioned i have doing eq 20 channels with each more than 200 resitors, and it worked

straight away.. i allready also have said, that i might have messed it up by not giving good attention... so i am surly not blaming anyone... also i previosly had allready 100s off errors, starting with mios, midi, display and so on... i want even

say, i had any only imanginable problem... and now i am tired of this problems... regardless of anything.. i just want to

have this fkng thing working now. and it used to work, 3 month ago... now it doesn`t...

i will have a look on it tonight, maybe it is because of insuficient power?

i want to use the advantage of the smasch tv layout... i bet it will work

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i really dont want to start argumenting or how ever u will call it in englisch...

There's nothing to argue: we both know you haven't done the tests (or if you have, you haven't posted the results) and if you want to avoid them so bad, it's your money!

i just want to have this fkng thing working now

I agree with all that you said about the smashtv boards. I remember when smash had self-etched boards like mike too, so you're preaching to the choir. As I said, I do like the smashtv boards... but the mike pcbs are perfectly fine, they're made from TK's (the standard) layouts, they work for pretty much everyone, and they should work for you too. It's a waste to throw away a perfectly good pcb because you can't be bothered testing it.

it used to work, 3 month ago... now it doesn`t...

This is new information... If you're sure that all of it worked and then stopped working, you should start to un-do the changes you have made. But that's more testing, and why bother when you can just chuck it in the bin and start over? </sarcasm>

i will have a look on it tonight, maybe it is because of insuficient power?

If the power is an issue, the results of the tests you haven't done will hint at it.

i want to use the advantage of the smasch tv layout... i bet it will work

Starting from scratch may work, and using a smashtv board may help you to get away with some bad practices which got you into this trouble in the first place... Maybe ;) Personally I am inclined to fix it rather than replace it unnecessarily and maybe still not even fix it.

Anyway it's up to you if you want to avoid the testing and run to a new board, but I think it's a waste. Like I said, there's nothing to argue, so just do the tests or buy the board already :)

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chuck it in the bin and start over? </sarcasm>

i will not throw it in to the bin...

the mikes boards do all work!

i will use them for some other midibox, which dont need 3 din modules  :D

i just dont know where to start... to find the error... i have checked with multimeter for shorts...

i have disconectet everything (i have solderd the wires to the pins)... and i have messed it up  :D

i have seen on one video i made earlier that the sequenzer allready run with all 3 din modules...

i musst have screwd it up sometime somewhere, somehow...

i will now power up again the soldering maschine and have a look... maybe it works, or it doesen`t

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i just dont know where to start... to find the error...

Is this with any combination of two DINx4? or do you only have two to test with? What about if you remove the IC's? Have you checked for soldering errors with a multimeter? What were the results from the SRIO test app?

That was the start....

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