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Old Light Board Conversion


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So I'm... still somewhat new to MIDI, I've been circuit bending for some time now, and a couple months ago, started doing research on building HID, discovered it wasn't nearly powerful enough for me to do what I'd like to do, and I've been doing a fair bit of reading on MIDI for a little while now...

I've stumbled across an old 12 channel lighting board. It has MIDI ports on it, so I guess my first question is, if it's made to run lights, am I still able to use it to control audio, and if so, is there anything specific I'd have to change to be able to do so.

Secondly, changing my pots, there are plenty of faders on it, but I don't need all of them, besides wiring it, is there anything I'd have to do to change the faders to knobs? I'm assuming not, but... alas, my lack of knowledge precedes me.

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if it's made to run lights, am I still able to use it to control audio, and if so, is there anything specific I'd have to change to be able to do so.


do you mean use it as a midi controller? Hard to say with out any details..

Some DMX lighting desks have midi on them for various things, but i've never seen them used as a midi controller.. infact, most of the ones I've seen only have a Midi in, which won't be that good for you..

If you want to change a fader (A linear potentiometer) for a knob (rotary potentiometer or pot) then, electrically there is no difference.. you just have to make sure it is of the same value, ie "100k Linear taper" or "B100k"

Of course, then you are left with a big long hole / slot where the fader used to be ;]



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Yes, as a controller. I'm quite certain it has in and outputs, I don't have it at home right now, I'll have to go grab it and the manual for it tomorrow, I couldn't find anything on the model, or even the manufacturer online.

And trust me, I won't be sticking with the original case :P

Thanks for the advice on pots though :)

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