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hi, i didn't find yet how to build a simple midi controler for my vst plugins


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Hi everyone !

i checked this website and forum but i didn't find yet the right infos i should analyse , to build a simple midi controler for cubase, for my vst plugins.

Basicaly what i'd like would be something like a doepfer drehbank for cheap, you know, a simple thing with maybe only pots on it, wich controls all the parameters of my vst instrments and effects, maybe like a uc33.

please, how can i do ? i don't understand yet all the words like sid, arkade things on the website, but i guess there's maybe a schematic here, for such project.

it would be arround 30 pots, ( encoders, and pretty blue lights arround ) a circuitry, and the whole thing plugged by midi to cubase, and then i'd assign each encoder i need to a virtual controler. And the vst instrument would still be controled by a separate midi keyboard on another midi channel.

do you know how to help me a bit please ?

also, about the presets or the memory, i don't know ... maybe for example, on my black shiny box with 30 encoders, the first one would allways be assigned to the lfo1 of each vst instrument ... or ... i don't know . I suppose it would be complicate to install a memory inside, to make it remember each assignment i allready made.

Thanks a lot if you can help me, with my level of understanding into all this.



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Welcome aboard adrien :)

You're probably not going to like this, but the best help you can be given right now, is to be told to go read the website/wiki/forum some more. I would imagine that the MB64e would be the most appropriate project for your needs and skills, if you look around for that, you should find some more info, so that you can make some more specific requests for us to help with.

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Thank you !

well i think that the md64 would be close to what i'm searching for. But well, i know i could build this, but i tell this for many other stuffs and i know i'm not sure to end this. It's very complicate ...

What i'm searching for is almost this : http://www.doepfer.de/pd.htm

or this : http://www.doepfer.de/home_e.htm

i thought it would be more simple inside ... it would be fun to build it myself, with my external design but well i'm a bit affraid by the mb64 for now.


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No need to be afraid of the MB64e, it's not so bad, if you want to DIY, it doesn't get any better :)

If you wanted something like the pocket control, you could use an MB64 with a minimal control surface, or you could even code your own simple MIOS app. There are lots of code examples you can use as a starting point.

However it did stand out to me that you said "Basicaly what i'd like would be something like a doepfer drehbank for cheap,", and I've always said, that DIY is not the way to go if you want something cheap. It's very rewarding, and you can make things that are customised to your needs, but it does require an investment of time and effort, as well as the tools you will require.

Perhaps DIY is not really what you wanted, but if you change your mind, you know where to come for assistance ;)

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How think ye? if a man have a hundred sheep, and one of them be gone astray, doth he not leave the ninety and nine, and goeth into the mountains, and seeketh that which is gone astray? 13And if so be that he find it, verily I say unto you, he rejoiceth more of that sheep, than of the ninety and nine which went not astray.
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