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my PIC18F452 always aborts MIOS Code Upload


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Hi, after months of trying to burn the V1.2 Bootloader to my old PIC 18F452 with my even older JDM-Burner, i succeeded!!!

Bootstraploader V1.2 successfully uploaded and verified! "HELL YEEEEAH!!"  :D :D :D  i thought.....

...but no matter what i wanna upload via MIOSSTUDIO, it`s  always aborting....    :o :o :o

what can i do now  ???

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what can i do now  ???

[me=nILS Podewski]gets out the magic 8ball: Your answer is 42.[/me]

We really can't help you at all unless you give us details. Did you do the MIDI Troubleshooting? Do you have any indicators that the core itself is working? What MIDI interface do you use? What _exactly_ is not working? What are the error messages that lead to it aborting? Are you using smart mode? ...

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i think CORE and Bootloader are working, cause i can see the blocks in the upper row of the displayand i can see the "01F7" Message in the MIDI-IN-Monitor of MIOSStudio.

I`m using the MIDI-Interface of my M-Audio Fasttrack Pro USB-Soundcard.

The Errormessage is:

Starting upload of mios_v1_9f_pic18f452.hex

Hex file contains code in MIOS range, forcing reboot!

Received Upload Request

Sending block 00000400-000004FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request


and so on

I wonder why it sayz there is Code in the MIOS Range...  what else i am trying to upload?

There is no oldeR MIOS on the PIC. I cleared it before burning the Bootloader.

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i think CORE and Bootloader are working, cause i can see the blocks in the upper row of the display

That does only mean that the display is powered and not initialized. We should really find a way to clear up that "blocks = bootoader" myth in the Midibox docu ;)

and i can see the "01F7" Message in the MIDI-IN-Monitor of MIOSStudio.

ok THAT means the boot loader is active, congrats :) Plus, it means the Midi out is ok.

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

that usually means your Midi in of the core isn't working correctly.

I wonder why it sayz there is Code in the MIOS Range...  what else i am trying to upload?

That's fine, this is just a warning that you'll overwrite MIOS. That's what you're trying to do, so all good.


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MIOS Studio tries to upload code, but it periodically gets an upload request, which means, that the bootloader doesn't receive the first code block and endless requests for new data.

There seems to be an issue with the MIDI In port. I would propose to check TEST_IN1..TEST_IN7 and TEST_INOUT1 of the troubleshooting guide and to post the results here to give us an impression about what is already working.

The same effect (upload requests, but receiving the code block fails) happens with a rare number of MIDI interfaces which are on the Blacklist, but I guess that this shouldn't be an issue with yours (TEST_INOUT1 helps to detect interfaces which don't transfer SysEx streams correctly).

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Thanxx for the help guys  :)

Things are workin now....

by the way:

All Test were gooood. Even my M-Audio Fasttrack Pro seems not shitty. Midi Loopback worked...

...the only thing was that i plugged out all the connections from the Core to the OPL3 module and then upload worked correctly! Wicked!!  :P

I´m not sure, but shouldn`t that work with a fully assembled gadget?  ;)

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Whee someone's building an mbFM :-)

YEYA, boing - bumm tschak!  8)

i´ve checked the interconnections from CORE to OPL3 module. All good....

Maybe there`s some ripple in the 5V lane? I´m using a psu from an old Gemini Battlemixer, providing +5v, +12V, -12V.

YES, i`m planning to integrate sometime a "Dark Side" SSM2044 PCB from SomaticCircuits.com  8)


i can`t check the voltage ripple, coz i have no scope. I could use a "soundcard-scope" but i`m not sure if it`s a good idea pluggin a 5VDC in my soundcard input...

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shame on me, i didn`t want to place an ad  :-[

But: i`m gonna order that PCB-Kit coz all parts, even the SSM, are inlcuded. This is much better than missing a bulk order for pcb and another for the SSM and another for any exotic parts needed .... :(

AND: ironically i found the darkside-board on the big "auction house" (which i wouldn`t name in fear of doin shameless ad), when i was searching for the SSM chips... :P

whatever.... i still don`t have a clue what magical effects are responisble for the upload errors, when the OPL3-Board is connected to the core during the upload process

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you've got me wrong, T - MY post was a shameless ad, not yours :)

Of course you can use that module if you think it's easier. I just wanted to give you a tip about the alternative :)

My module doesn't have any special parts you can't buy from Reichelt, except for the SSMs (which you can buy for a good price on eBay, too) and the PCB itself. So no problem to buy the parts yourself. Altogether it'll still be cheaper than the Dark Side, has two instead of only one filters on it, is designed for being used with CV outs from a Midibox synth rather than just a clone of the SSM datasheet app note etc. - The Dark Side might be a nice module for use in a modular synth, but for your case, the Dual PCB is better suited.

Anyway, I'll stop being off-topic now  :P


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you've got me wrong, T - MY post was a shameless ad, not yours :)

aight, ok  :) me feelin no shame anymore...

I´ve checked the OPL3-module again. No bad connections or bridges found. All voltages ok. After gettin the OPL3 PCB back in the case, some "magic" happened:

I can upload now software without errors, even with a connected OPL3 PCB!  :)

I´ve uploaded mbfm_testtone.hex, but still no sound  >:(

How can i test the YMF262 or the YAC512 directly? Maybe i have fried one accidently during solder/desolder - process???

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From my semi-destructive tests I can say that they seem to be able to handle quite a bit of heat :-)

The thing is "magic" is not a good thing. You don't know what "solved" the problem so it is most likely still there in a way or two. This kinda sounds like a loose joint somewhere. Can you take some nice closeup photos of the the OPL3 board (both sides)?

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i have checked almost every solder point on the downside with this pocket microscope:


and have found nothin....

but 4 eyes can see more than 2 ;)



sorry for the bad pics, my digi is a shame!

before you ask:

as you can see, the sockets for the TL`s are too big. But i had no others, so i just bended off the unused pins.

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Well the soldering isn't the prettiest I've seen, but from experience I do know that those boards tend to be a bit of a pain to solder. I'd say reheat the solder joints.

Just making sure as this cannot be seen in the pics: the +-12V have the same ground as the +5V? The audio sockets are connected to ground as well?

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Well the soldering isn't the prettiest I've seen....

ehhhmmm, that must be an error in the digicam...  :-[

Just making sure as this cannot be seen in the pics: the +-12V have the same ground as the +5V? The audio sockets are connected to ground as well?

The grounds are all connected together like described in "mbhp_opl3_interconnections.pdf"....

After another lookup to the interconnection diagram i saw that i accidently swapped two wires (A0 and WR) on the CORE side. That was the reason for no sound.

...but after another tests if found the reason for the code upload error problems:

It seems like the old PSU from the Gemini Mixer i am using is not powerful enough. All worked fine after i have disconnected the lcd LED-Backlight.

I have bought that old sharp lcd on ebay some time ago. And the datasheet sez: the backlight is consuming 400mA!!!

That`s definetly the most hungry part in that little box ;)

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