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Experimental controllers sensors ribbons et cetera


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Hi all!

What about starting little experiments with alternate controllers and sensors.

Maybe at first we can sample the resistance of different video tapes (I´ve found some old panasonic ones), we can also measure adhesive metal tapes or other materials like different graphit-finishs and put the´samples together into a database.

Don´t know if this is the right place to do that - any suggestions.

Hope there´s s.o. else.

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i've tested some antistatic nylon bag in which ICs are packed for use as a ribbon controller. i haven't completed this project until now because my main circuits didn't work (psu?).

it has the required resistance of 100 kohms when cut to a band of about 20cm / 1cm. these were recommended for a diy belt controller project, the builder did it with adhesive tape and graphite powder and a brass strip, i intended to use this nylon with a violin string.

the website i found the original circuit with the adhesive tape has some very interesting projects with vacuum tubes:


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Hahah that was my first thought and I didn't post it... my stupid memory :) ACSensorizer is midibox stuff and you can find goodies on our wiki/forums too...

AudioCommander has done great work with this, it's a must-see for alternative controls.

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First samples of video-tapes:

Manufacturer;      Format;        Type;             Resistance per 10 cm;

Panasonic;           MII;              AU-M60L;       11 M;

Panasonic;           S-VHS;          XD;               4,3 M;

Sony;                 Betacam SP;   BCT-30MA      4,6 M;

Panasonic;           S-VHS;          SE-30;          7,8 M;

Kodak;                VHS;            HS-E240;        2,3 M;

TDK;                   VHS;             E-240TV;       -;

TDK;                   VHS;             EHG;             -;

Akai;                   VHS;             HQ;              -; 

Agfa;                  VHS;             S-HGX;          -;          

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Hi all,

found another one - this is as somewhere else told a scotch consumer one.

Manufacturer;      Format;        Type;             Resistance per 10 cm;

Scotch;              VHS;            EXG+;             37 K;

looks much better!


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Resistance per 10 cm          37 K

looks much better!

hi clem!

which resistor value/length are you looking for, what would be the best?

do you prefer video tape (bec. availability)?

perhaps i could measure some old multitrack and stereo recording tape too.

but i actually think those tapes would easily wear down after short use because you'd always have to press a metallic surface on a very thin layered film...

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hi rosch,

first project is to build a controller with the full length of a keybord with 61 standard keys for my keyboardcontroller-midification-project. That means 10 k at ~86 cm.

But "I have a dream" for the next project - of building a continuus-polyphonic-velocity-sensitive-(midi)-controller (schoene Wortkreation) for small money like the continuum at haken audio which costs megas.

Maybe we can find s.t. like graphite-cotton ;) mmh.

So let´s test everything we can find and put the information together.


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  • 4 weeks later...

hi and thx for the quick respond,

Yes I´ve seen that, but it has a to low resistance.

For our aim, building wire-controlers, we need a diameter of 0,01 mm with a resistance of 11580 Ohm. I think with this wire we can also build shorter controlers of 30 or 15 cm - hope they won´t get to hot  8)


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Toaster wire?

Good idea!

... there must be ... somewhere ... a broken toaster

That's *very* thin... are you sure?

of course it´s thin, but if we fix it on a plastic strip it must work - I hope so - if not we need a wire  with a bigger diameter made of other material.


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