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LEDs as input devices


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OK Boxers! I won't even pretend that I understand micro controllers at this point, but I'm pretty sure that this may be the next big thing since the lighted push button switch.  I somehow stumbled onto this doc and thought that someone here with better chops than I might find this as fascinating as I did.  I didn't know that an LED in it's reversed biased state can actually be used as a photodiode, according to this doc a device can be made using the LED as both an indicator and input device.

I believe that this is being used in this video;


And the paper describing the circuit is here;


Whaddya think, Sirs?


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Well, poop.  I should've known it's been seen before.  Nice dream though.  Besides, Forrest Mims was cited in the article and it reminded me of all the great things I learned because of him, back when I was a geeky kid with a Library card.


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Search the forum, there already is a thread about this. As far as I can remember, the problem was using it in a matrix and scan all the LEDs in a reasonable time.

that's correct... mind you, it wasn't done in ASM, but in BASIC... so, if someone were to do it properly, and/or perhaps use a certain fancy new 32 micro powered dev board, maybe they would have more luck.... Hypothetically if I were to know someone in that situation I would tell them good luck from you ;) Wink, nudge, etc.

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