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Hemi-Sync / InnerTalk - manipulating your subconscious


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Hi folks,

recently I stumbled upon some weird kinda esoteric stuff. First I was kinda curious, but then I became aware of the fact that especially in that business, where it's all about manipulating psychology, there may be plenty of black sheep. So I thought I could just ask whether anyone has already tried one of the following CDs or whether anyone can say something about if and how they work.

The first thing is called InnerTalk

They sell CDs with either music or nature sounds, and they claim to have subliminal messages somehow "modulated" under that music. And by listening to it, the messages are supposed to go right through to sour subconscious and manipulate you in a positive manner.

Here's a short excerpt from their catalog:

  • Weight Loss Now
  • Freedom from Technophobia  (had to laugh a bit when I read that  ;))
  • Accepting Constructive Criticism
  • Ultra Enthusiasm
  • Powerful Memory
  • and so on

The Second thing is Hemi-Sync

This is even more weirder. They add some modulated (pink AFAIK) noise to the background of music and say that this will alter your brain waves :/

Well, I'm very sceptic whether that stuff really works...



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  • Weight Loss Now
  • Freedom from Technophobia  (had to laugh a bit when I read that  ;))
  • Accepting Constructive Criticism
  • Ultra Enthusiasm
  • Powerful Memory
  • and so on

hihihi quite funny, just like in religions! all points of that list (apart from Ultra Enthusiasm) are characteristics of a well working mind as far as i know. i'm glad i can buy it now!!

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Google binaural beats for one fun example... It's a long known fact that sound waves can in fact be used to manipulate your brainwaves towards certain states.

Just how useful these states can be, depends entirely on the person... I guess you can think of it as being like giving someone some nice running shoes... But if they don't know how to run with good form, it won't help them run any faster. And no tape can show you how to run well, you have to *do it*.

That's ignoring all of the more obvious stuff (psychological manipulation rather than neural modulation) that is used in things like TV and radio advertising every day, to try and warp your brain into thinking you want to buy something you don't actually need. Often these tapes are a mix of the two... but to be honest 99% of the time they're 'snake oil'.

If you're really interested in this kind of thing I'd suggest going with the tried and tested method of meditation. The idea behind that being simply that if you learn about those mind states and can get yourself there under your own steam, you'll actually know what to do when you get there. This it the *do it* part, that I talked about before.

If you're spiritually minded, I'm unaware of any spiritual path that does not include it's own form of meditation, and if you're not, you should think of this as a breathing exercise which uses your body's own natural mechanisms to relax your mind. Zen meditation is probably the least freaky hippy thing of the lot, doesn't involve any kind of prayer or predetermined 'right' way to do it, it's pretty simple. Just breathe.... Hopefully that'll give you a good starting point. If you find that it's something you're interested in though, like all learning, it can help to find an experienced teacher.

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There was an interesting project on Make which used a hacked Adafruit POV circuit. The flashing lights along with a binaural tone adjusts your brain waves to put you into a similar state to those that are in deep meditation.

I once had a go on one at a festival but it got cut short because the guy next to me not only had epillepsy, but had decided to take various drugs and go sit in front of some flashing lights - the outcome was inevitable.


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a similar state to those that are in deep meditation.

Yeh well... It looks similar on a machine but I'm yet to find anyone who can replicate these brainwave patterns manually, who thinks the light and sound approach is very similar

I once had a go on one at a festival but it got cut short because the guy next to me not only had epillepsy, but had decided to take various drugs and go sit in front of some flashing lights - the outcome was inevitable.     

Oof not good. My Dad had to revive a guy in basically the same situation who had a seizure and choked. I hope all were OK in your instance too. But this is pretty hard proof, that the light+sound approach, like the drugs the guy took, has it's merits... Or Demerits, if not used wisely................

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