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timer0 (18F452, MIOS 1.9f, asm)

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my aim is to create a sort of Fx function for the MIDIBox AY application - following the conception of sound tracker.

the USER_Timer is in use by the SM_DebounceTimer (c64 keyboard / 8x8 sm driver).

so i thought it might be a good idea to work with the timer0

i'm new to timer and interrupt programming. i read some lines about the basic concept of the timer in general but i don't know where to start in the context of MIOS.

basic concept of the Fx function:

[midi event note on] ==> toggle timer0 on

after timer0 cycle 1) Fx 01 write x to reg a

after timer0 cycle 2) Fx 02 write y to reg a

after timer0 cycle 3) Fx 03 write z to reg a

after timer0 cycle 4).Fx 04 write w to reg c


[midi event note off] ==> toggle timer0 off

so now my question:

1) how to initialize and activate timer0?

2) what is to consider in relation to interrupts?

3) is there already some code with timer0 in action? (where i can learn from)


- lemonhorse

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the PIC based MIOS doesn't allow you to add interrupt handlers (this has changed in MIOS32)

This means, that the timer overrun flag has to be polled by a routine which is executed periodically (e.g. from the USER_Timer hook, if it is called more often than the target interval of TMR0)

Under http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios&path=%2Ftrunk%2Fapps%2Fsynthesizers%2Fmidibox_sid_v2%2Fsrc%2Fsid_se.inc

You will find a very simple example - the BPM generator is executed from USER_Timer each mS, but it uses it's own time base TMR0

        ;; check timer0 overrun flag
        bcf     INTCON, TMR0IF                  ; clear overrun flag
        bcf     T0CON, TMR0ON
        movf    TIMER0_RELOAD_L, W, BANKED      ; (dummy add to update TMR0H, and to get carry flag of addition)
        addwf   TMR0L, W                        ; (update TMR0H)
        movf    TIMER0_RELOAD_H, W, BANKED
        addwfc  TMR0H, F
        movf    TIMER0_RELOAD_L, W, BANKED
        addwf   TMR0L, F                        ; 16bit register update takes place with this write
        bsf     T0CON, TMR0ON
... your code which will be executed periodically
[/code] TIMER0_RELOAD_[LH] defines the timer interval: 0x10000 - (interval / (2*100 nS)) e.g., a reload value of 0xc000 leads to an interval of 3.277 mS Initialisation in USER_Init:
       ;; ensure that timer0 interrupt not enabled
        bcf     INTCON, T0IE

        ;; internal clock source, 16bit, prescaler 1:2
        movlw   (1 << TMR0ON)
        movwf   T0CON

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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