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DId I fry my PIC?


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I may have made a booboo with my mbfm. :-[

I recently posted about a garbled sound coming out of my opl3 audio out. Well I messed up. I remember wiring my 12v power supply wrong while the core board connected to opl3 5v were also connected to the same power strip as the 12v supply. So when I turned on the power strip my midibox came on and then shut off very quick because the power strip's fuse blew. So I tested my core and it still uploads programs but after that I haven't got the opl3 audio to come out. Should I end up replacing the ymf262 ,yac512s and tl074s? How can I check these parts properly? Would the mbfm interconnections test be able to verify this?



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The interconnection test will tell you if the relevant parts of the core/pic still work. It will however not tell you anything about the opl/yac/opamps. Although opamps are pretty forgiving the seem to dislike reversed polarity ;) I'd replace the opamps first, if that doesn't help you possibly fried the yac/opl.

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