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MIOS Upload error,I need help


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I have been building my own version of MIDIBOX FM and there has come one serious problem that I cannot solve by myself...I have made own version of midibox FM (all in same PCB) and it worked just fine until I accidently burnt every component which were stuffed on PCB(cos of crappy power supply)...and I have changed every burnt component to new one...I have also made my pic own burner that has(and I think it is still working) worked just fine...

but now i'am totally stuck cos I cannot upload MIOS into PIC. I have burn bootloader with selfmade burner into pic and burner software indicates that bootloader was loaded succesfully into pic.

I have check all electronics and they are working just fine only I noticed that RX pin from pic is always at +5V(Even midi messages are send.I have tested optocoupler and it's not broken).I have even change new optocoupler and still same fault is there.

Midibox is sending message to miosstudio(that message, which is asking mios operating system). So that indicates that bootloader is working (I dont know and I cannot say that is it fully working). every time when I try to send mios operating system I get following message:


Starting upload of device_id_00.hex

Waiting for upload request...

Received Upload Request

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block #1 00003000-000030FF

Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error

Sending block #1 00003000-000030FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Received error code 0B: MIDI IN Overrun Error

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request

Sending block #1 00003000-000030FF

Error: Received unexpected Upload Request


I have try with 4 different 18F452 and also with 2 18F4620 PIC's,always I get same message. I have tested my burner and it seems to work(I have done P18 programmer's, burner test with voltage meter and everything seems to be ok).

Sometimes my burner cannot identify pic in the burner. I have to take pic away from burner and restart P18 programmer software. After that program will identify pic's. Can this fault be cos of programmer,that it somehow not fully burn bootloader into pic. Has anyone had samekind problem with burner???

...and also I have burn many bootloader before with that same burner succesfully. I have only change computer that I use to burn bootloader into pic. Can this somehow be the reason???

Best Regards


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The upload requests out of order are concerning. If you have a problem between sending from your PC and receiving at the core, then it can often cause the core to continually request like that... But the core is obviously recieving MIDI... just.. not correctly...

Once you've ensured you're not on the blacklist, you might like to check your PSU, and perform the midi troubleshooting tests on ucapps.

On other matters... When you burned the PICs, you did it in HVP mode and you verified the upload right? (That's the feature where the app reads back the contents of the chip after the burn, and compares it to the hex file - I don't mean a human-driven-verification). Your board grounds the unused AINs?

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The upload requests out of order are concerning. If you have a problem between sending from your PC and receiving at the core, then it can often cause the core to continually request like that... But the core is obviously recieving MIDI... just.. not correctly...

Once you've ensured you're not on the blacklist, you might like to check your PSU, and perform the midi troubleshooting tests on ucapps.

On other matters... When you burned the PICs, you did it in HVP mode and you verified the upload right? (That's the feature where the app reads back the contents of the chip after the burn, and compares it to the hex file - I don't mean a human-driven-verification). Your board grounds the unused AINs?

I have done midi troubleshooting tests twice and conclusion is that RX signal is stuck to +5Vdc. Power supply is working also just fine,I checked that also many times.I also have tried with PIC's bigger bypass caps and same result still...

Yep,I use app's feature that it will verify chip content with selected hex file and result were "OK"...and my board ground's unused AIN's...

I have to try to burn with another pc also and check that will it help...

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  • 4 weeks later...

    *  TEST PROG1:

Test passed,Verify result Ok

    * TEST CORE1:

Test passed

    * TEST CORE2:

skipped cos using Core V3

    * TEST CORE3: Check it visually for bad solderings or missed junctions.

any bad solderings not found,checked over 10 times

    * TEST CORE4:

Voltages ok

    * TEST CORE5:

Ground's ok

    * TEST CORE6:

Midi connectors polarity ok

    * TEST CORE7:

Protection diode polarity ok

    * TEST CORE8:

Resistor values 220 Ohm

    * TEST CORE9: J

Connections between PC and midibox ok

    * TEST CORE10:

no short circuit between TX and RX signals

    * TEST CORE11:

Tested with big capasitors->voltage levels were followed during mios upload and voltage levels were always at 5,2Vdc.

    * TEST OUT1:

Test passed

    * TEST OUT2:

Test done but it didnt help

At the PC site:

    * TEST PC1:


    * TEST PC2:


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I also build two different burner cos I was thinking that fault might come from bad burner...so I have burned with three different burner and every burner has burnt and identify pic's succesfully...I also measured PIC's RX signal when I tried to upload mios and I noticed that RX signal is not stuck at 5Vdc,I can see that midi information is going to PIC's RX pin.(also from TX pin I can see that pic is sending right information to PC,it's sending upload request normally).

Can it affect if I have/havent connected memory stick but I have resistor's on signal net's connected to 5 Vdc or if I have connected OPL3 chip with PIC???

And what is the right order to connect burner to PC?(I mean that,should I first connect burner on and then connect it to Pc's LPT port and then start software and then put pic into burner) is there some difference in which order I connect and start those(burner,software and PIC)?

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  • 4 months later...


So finally after half year fighting with my FM synth I finally found out what was wrong with it....

so this strange behaviour of my synth was cos optocoupler ground connect were broken...I have ordered my own desing PCB's and before soldering optocoupler ground connection was ok(confirmed by measuring) but after I had solder optocoupler the ground connection disconnected(only reason seems to be soldering heat)...optocoupler also send data almost normally only thing that there were was little bit over 1V offset...

So what I learn from this....RTFM and octa check everything...now my mighty FM synth work's again fine...just box is missing...

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