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MIDIBOX 64E trouble with pots

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Hello Everyone !

I finished my second midibox today - MIDIBOX64e - my first is MIDIBOX64.

I have :

4 encoders

16 buttons

16 faders

I noticed that fadres still sends data if  they are on break down - just when all be upraised send data is stopped 

this normal and how to do away this ??



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Hi Daniel,

That suggests that either:

Your faders are wired incorrectly - if that is the case, you could cause a short and blow up the parts, so I would turn it off immediately and triple-check it...

or maybe, your PSU is extremely noisey...

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  • 1 month later...

I change my PSU and trouble is the same :( , and faders are wired correctly ... when I change software from MB64E to MB64 everything is ok. Maybe  my config file is wrong ??

I could be wrong, but in setup file for MB64E for faders you only need define quantity = 16 and enabled mux = 1 :

#define DEFAULT_NUMBER_AIN          16


Regards, Janis

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This could as stryd_one said be caused by noise on the Gnd-Vd rail. What kind of PSU are you using? Also you can try adding some caps between Vd and Gnd near the faders and see if that helps.

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