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7 leds per ring in 64E.


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First of all I would like to thank all the people that´s keeping this site and the Midibox proyect alive.

All this info is giving me the chance to experiment with my music so far...

But the thing is that I can´t do C/ASM or deep electronics, so I´ll have to bother you guys with some basic issues, until I can finish my first 64E proyect.

Thanks in advance for the patience.


I´ve decided to build my first box like a 64E, with some customization.

One obvious Core,

Two DIN, 32 buttons, 16 encoders.

One AIN since I can´t found non rotary encoders in my country, and I would like some other kind of pots.

And one DOUT for the leds ring, my first little pack of doubts...

1. I´ll like to set led rings in all 16 rotary encoders, but don´t know how to limit them to 7 leds per encoder. (in programming) since I founded some PDF showing connections in Midibox 64E section.

2. How are this leds going to behave with rotary encoders?. I can figure this with pots, since min value to max value will shine in order to position of pot. But with encoders (infinite positions), how are the leds going to behave?. I just like some kind of info that inform me of data in darkness.

Thanks again.


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Hi Gino,

You could connect just 7 leds instead of the 11 shown in the example. I've done it with 8 leds (I'm using ledbars).

I'm also trying to reduce the code to 8 leds to drive 32 ledbars from 1 Doutx4. But no luck so far.

My problem looks a lot like yours (if i'm correct)  take a look at my post: http://www.midibox.org/forum/index.php/topic,13899.0.html

Hope i'll figure it out soon.



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Please excuse my english, but I assume "32 led bars" are avery group of 8 leds (per pot or encoder)

Well, if that´s right, I just need 16 led rings for my 64E proyect. (with 16 encoders)

What I need to consider is the beheavor of the leds, with encoders and pots, and relative to the values they handle. I´ts a question of design.

I assume, from the pdf that explains the connections, that I don´t need any special code to switch from 11 to 7 leds per ring.

Do I?.

Thanks for the reply and luck with your code.


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your english is fine  ;) ... I just wanted to show you my threat because its very similar.. doesnt matter if you use 7 or 8 leds ;-)

But then again if you only use 16 encoders + rings then I would stay with the standard ledring configuration.

just connect your 16x7 leds like the ledring schematic shows you.

when everything works, you could configure the ledring pattern to your needs.

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Yes, you only need to change the LED patterns. 32 patterns are available for each LED ring mode - they are prepared for 2 DOUT SRs per default, but you could easily change them so that only the 8 rightmost bits are used.

Change has either to be done in the source code:


Or in your midibox64e.ini file, which can be converted to .syx, and uploaded via MIDI-Ox (or similar SysEx tools) once the application is running (for changing the setup w/o recompiling the source code):


But with encoders (infinite positions), how are the leds going to behave?.

If they are sending relative values, the received absolute value of the same CC number will be displayed.

This has to be supported by your host application (e.g. it works fine with Reaktor) - if the host doesn't send back the absolute position as a MIDI event, LED rings only make sense in absolute mode.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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I´m sorry.... TK.

I can´t understand how to modify "LED_PATTERN" section on midibox64e.ini, to use 7 leds in every ring x 16 encorders.


I can´t understand when/where/how do I decide the absolute/relative thing for the leds...

Yes, I´ll use REAKTOR.

Don´t want to bother you, I know you´re constantly replying lots of threads....

Thank´s again.


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Seems that nobody understands me anymore the last days ;)

Read this: http://svnmios.midibox.org/filedetails.php?repname=svn.mios&path=%2Ftrunk%2Ftools%2Fmk_syx%2FREADME.txt

And read the comments in the config file again:


For Reaktor configuration, this wiki page could be interesting for you:


Best Regards, Thorsten.

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