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Building bigger Jog wheels - check my design!


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Hi guys,

I have been planning my midibox for months now, and i have tweaked and tweaked at the design but he only thing letting me down is the lack of jog wheels available so I'm looking into getting my own built.

The design i'm going to "emulate" is the wheel from the Vextax VCI-100 as they are pretty straight forward. the wheel will fit onto a standard D shaft encoder. I reckon the bourns one would be best as its a metal shaft.

I want to share my design with you to see if there are any reasons why it wont work.

The wheel will consist of 3 parts:

the connector that sits on the encoder

the platter disc made of acrylic

the rubber mat on top.

These are then all screwed together

I have designed the connector so that if the encoder bends from too much force it the connectors "skirt" will hit the panel and stop it bending any further.

Anyway, see the attachments to this post

Can anyone see any problems with this design? I dont think you can scratch with encoders anyway, these are more a CDJ style wheel. If i get a good price quoted I may sell extra ones on the bulk buy :)









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Why using a standart encoder?

i mean its a jogwheel, it definately needs a good resolution.

take a look at this: http://de.farnell.com/avago-technologies/aedb-9140-a13/encoder-3channel-500cpr-8mm/dp/1161087

I also saw an alternative on ebay, four optical encoders for about 30 Euros (resolution 1024 per Round!!)

With this baby, Your DIY Jogwheel should feel just like the original from VCI.

I will use two of them on my project, i still search an alternative source with better prices.

Regards, Nasrudin

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hi kingnerk, i am not sure anymore about my suggestion with these high resolution jogs, since i dont know how fast Mios scans those DIN Shift Registers. i am afraid you get problems if you use one of them and then turning the wheel to fast (eg fast backcueing etc). Does somebody know the Shift register update frequency?

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I could be wrong, but for another MBHP projects may be similar data velocities

from the MIDIO128 design page :

"The software captures all 128 inputs within a period of 1 mS. If the status of an input pin has been changed, the program searches for the predefined MIDI event in a big table and sends it out"

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not sure im going to go the optical encoder route as it will add quite a bit to my cost (as i would need 3!)

also im not too bothered about being able to scratch with it, and after playing with a standard encoder in traktor for pitch bend its pretty close to a CDJ pitch bend anyway. The new traktor version also lets you play with the sensitivity of an encoder for pitch bend so it should be all good :)

Maybe my next version will use optical encoders ;)

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