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BASIC sidbox questions

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If I build a minimal sidbox without LCD,or any controls,could I use my Kenton control freak(midi controller)to have access to all tweakable synth parameters?

If I have a bankstick,is there a way to change patches using the kenton,or would I have to have an LCD in the sidbox?

So,could it function fully(standalone) with the midi controller,or would I have to use the jsynth?

Is the core module only for DIY controller(if I allready have a midi controller,do I still need the core)?( I know this may be a very stupid question).

Also,I have read through the forum and the mios info,and I still do not understand it(I feel I may not be smart enough!).

I want to order the parts and pcb's,but I honestly have no idea which stuff I need to include in the email to get the chips programed for my needs.

My needs :

-As minimal as possible sidbox,that will function standalone,and with computer.

-At least 1 bankstick,so I can access patches.

-Midi sync, keyboard control,complete control of all synth parameters using midi controller.

-Ability to possibly fully expand the sid in the future(adding it's own knobs,etc...) without having to re-do alot of work.

Could someone PLEASE tell me exactly what I need to do this,and what hex file/PIC ID header for the MIOS bootstrap loader

that I should send in the email?

I appologize for such basic questions,but I just don't understand the mios/pic id header stuff.Is the pic id header for having more than 1 sid box? Which ones do I need for the core and sid modules??

I would greatly appreciate someone helping me get started here!

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Well,I really,really,really hope that these projects are not just for people who completely understand code and programming.Hopefully one of the experienced sid builders will give us a hand! I think this would be a very rewarding and educational project,if I could understand

what I need and why.

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Well, I think you should start reading about the SID on UCApps.de

The most of your questions are all answered there, you know? If you read through the article of the SID (there is also something about the minimal config and bankstick stuff), you won´t have much questions left of those up there.

I know this answer is not quite that what you expected, but please understand that I dont want to write all down, what is already stated very well on the main page.

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Thank you very much for your reply.But....I HAVE read the site,in fact,over and over before I asked these questions.I guess I understand that I need a core module and sid module for basic setup.

Could someone please help me on my other questions though?I do not see where it explains what exactly I need to include in the email to get the chips for basic sid setup.I also do not see where it says anything about using a commercial midi controller to control the sid,or if all parameters can be accessed without a computer(in the most BASIC sidbox).

Do I need the LCD module to use bankstick?I appologize if I am being a pain,I was just hoping someone could help me out,even with just the pic options.Thanx for your time.

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OK, here I go:

- The Controls are all accessable over MIDI, read the CC table for details (meaning what control number controls what parameter), only the wavetable setting can only be set via JSynth

- The bankstick can naturally be used without an LCD, its just there to save the presets. Patches can be changed via Programm Change (via MIDI again)

You should use Jsynth anyhow, because saving patches only via MIDI is a little hard (you have to do Dump Requests and so on). Via Jsynth you can easily move from one patch to another, save all, load all and can edit the wavetables.

I dont know what you mean by "what I have to include in the email to get the chips", but if you mean some kind of DIY-kit, you should perhaps talk to SmashTV. I think he is in that (could be...). But anyhow: Its DIY, so Kits are not available from the main page...

btw: There is no difference between "our" MIDI-Controllers and commercial ones... OK, perhaps our´s are damn cooler and better and...  ;D ... cuse me...

The MBHP in common is built up kinda modular, so if you want to build more stuff to that config, it´s not a big thing.

OK, so much for the moment. Hope I at last could help you anyhow... :)

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Hello, I agree that you should use the JSynth at first until you get your sid running, and understand it well. Then if you want to use your controller, go for it. I think that parts kits are available from Mikes PCB shop, but if you go to http://mbhp.coinoptech.com/ , you can order the boards, and SmashTV also has complete parts lists with links to the parts at http://www.mouser.com . I have bought a ton of stuff from mouser, and haven't had any problems. You can also buy the PIC 18F from SmashTV's site, I think he will even program it for you if you ask. Remember that you will have to get your SID onm your own, you can't buy them. You also have to build or buy a programmer.


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THANKYOU very much,that does help me get a better understanding.I just need to figure out the chip programming stuff.SmashTV offers the pcb's and the pics(programmed)but I need to figure out which hex file and PIC ID header I need to have programmed for the basic sidbox(using the 18f pic)to send him.It would help me to know what programming goes into which chips for the core and sid.I seem to be confused about frmware//MIOS/applications.For the basic sid,do I need to use any of the "example applications"on the MIOS page to use my midi controller?And,once I used jsynth to store patches to the bankstick,I could access them from my controller?

So,for the sid module I need the primary bootstrap loader,and what else?

Man,I have been struggling with my brain to get this all in order!You guys are great for helping me out.

Oh,and I wouldn't need a programmer if I had Smash TV prog the chips though,right?

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It would help me to know what programming goes into which chips for the core and sid

The PIC is the only chip that needs to be programmed. The SID just comes right out of the C64 as is.

For the basic sid,do I need to use any of the "example applications"on the MIOS page to use my midi controller?

No, you would just need the bootstrap loader. After that, you can load any of the programs, including the SID via midi.

And,once I used jsynth to store patches to the bankstick,I could access them from my controller?

I believe so; like pay_c said, you can change patches via midi program changes.

Oh,and I wouldn't need a programmer if I had Smash TV prog the chips though,right?

That is correct. Just ask him to burn the bootstrap loader.

Remeber that you will need to build a power supply to power up the SID board and the Core. Thorsten has plans for how to do this using the C64 power supply.

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