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MIOS V1.9g --- Update for PIC based derivatives


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A new MIOS8 release is available.

Due to compatibility reasons an update is strongly recommented if you are planning to upload an application which uses rotary encoders, otherwise the encoders won't work correctly!


The encoder driver has been overworked based on proposals from Avogra (thank you!)

Now it can even handle excotic encoder types without changes in MIOS code. MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED4 and MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED5 have been added. MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED4 should be used for the so called "cheap Panasonic encoders" which are available at www.pollin.de

The performance of the encoder driver has been improved as well.

The new method required a change of the MIOS_ENC_MODE_NON_DETENTED and MIOS_ENC_MODE_DETENTED* definitions, which unfortunately makes all previously released applications incompatible.

Accordingly, all applications have been re-released.

The new binaries can be downloaded from the MIOS download page: http://www.ucapps.de/mios_download.html

(if you don't see the new files, just press the refresh button of your webbrowser)

In order to update MIOS, please upload the <derivative>/midi/mios_v1_9g_<derivative>.hex file of the mios_v1_9g.zip package first, thereafter the .hex file of the application.

Informations for programmers:

The only files which need to be updated are $MIOS_PATH/include/asm/mios.h and $MIOS_PATH/include/c/cmios.h

These files are part of the new mios_base_v1_1 package.

If you are working with the SVN repository, just start an automatic update (e.g. under Mac/Linux: go into the trunk directory and type "svn update ."), otherwise download the .zip file.

The next MIOS8 update can be expected in ca. 2 years - as usual ;)

Have fun!

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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MIDIO128 recent release and Change log

The change log shows the latest release to be V2.2a. However, both V2.2b and V2.2c have been released.

I have not succeeded in finding what has been updated in these last two releases. The change log delivered with V2.2c ends with V2.2a.

Could it have something to do with MIOS V1.9g?

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