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Problem uploading 1.9g with diffrent PIC header ID's


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I unfortunately missed the part about not needing to update MIOS for the slave pics in my MB6582 and went ahead and uploaded 1.9g via the thru method. After the reboot, I got CAN errors when trying to clone the app to the slave cores so I figured I borked something uploading MIOS to the slaves. I finally got around to pulling the PICs out to look at what happened and it looks like the 1.9g did upload, I get the title but it immediately goes to two rows of solid bars and what is even stranger, I do NOT get and upload request when I start the pic. I can not upload anything with MIOS studio and it hangs on the reboot cycle. Anyone have any thoughts on what I did wrong or if there is a way to fix short of reloading the bootloader?



Edited by Altitude
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To get some additional infomations: does MIOS Studio receive the initial upload request during startup with the master core?

Best Regards, Thorsten.

Nope, nothing is sent at any time from the pic and it never reboots when Studio tells it to.

The 00 ID pic didnt have any problems btw.

The procedure I followed was to hit the soft thru to the slaves and send a "dumb" upload (sent on different ID channels, one at a time until done) however I dont see that in the manual anymore and there is a note that bidirectional communication is required, which very well may be what the issue is here

* Edit, I made a mistake in my first post, the screen says 1.9f not 1.9g so it looks like using the thru method did something to the bootloader and 1.9g did not arrive as I thought. Time for the P18 i guess. Any reason why I should not upload 1.9g and go back to 1.9f for the slaves?

Edited by Altitude
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Nope, nothing is sent at any time from the pic and it never reboots when Studio tells it to.

Then the problem seems to be located somewhere else.

There is a trick which forces a reboot without power-cycling the core: tap a cable from ground to pin #1 of the PIC for a short moment - this will reset the core. It would be interesting, if this helps.

The procedure I followed was to hit the soft thru to the slaves and send a "dumb" upload (sent on different ID channels, one at a time until done) however I dont see that in the manual anymore and there is a note that bidirectional communication is required, which very well may be what the issue is here

Yes, for safety reasons I removed this hint, because the danger is too high that the upload fails if somebody tries this under "unstable" conditions (e.g. firmware overloaded, so that MIDI stream gets corrupted)

Edit, I made a mistake in my first post, the screen says 1.9f not 1.9g so it looks like using the thru method did something to the bootloader and 1.9g did not arrive as I thought. Time for the P18 i guess. Any reason why I should not upload 1.9g and go back to 1.9f for the slaves?

Unlikely that this happened, but if you don't want to find out the exact reason for the failure, burning the bootloader makes sense...

There is no reason why it doesn't make sense to upload v1.9g

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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Reburned the bootloader and MIOS 1.9g onto the slaves and lo and behold, still CAN bus errors when I am trying to clone and the pics function normally in my test core.. I did upload the app to the slaves individually and that worked fine. Cloning was working fine up until I uploaded 1.9g btw..

Edited by Altitude
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Maybe it's just the app you are uploading with.

My cores are version 1.9, and I have had problems uploading syx files.

Are you uploading hex or syx files?

MiosStudio and Midi-Ox seem to do fine with hex uploads, but have problems, for me at least, with syx files.

I finally had to use the Sysexbox app for syx file uploads to the 1.9 cores.

It could be that MiosStudio and Midi-Ox are looking for a request or something that isn't syncing with version 1.9 of mios for the syx uploads, or?

Edited by tonyn
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Maybe it's just the app you are uploading with.

My cores are version 1.9, and I have had problems uploading syx files.

Are you uploading hex or syx files?

MiosStudio and Midi-Ox seem to do fine with hex uploads, but have problems, for me at least, with syx files.

I finally had to use the Sysexbox app for syx file uploads to the 1.9 cores.

It could be that MiosStudio and Midi-Ox are looking for a request or something that isn't syncing with version 1.9 of mios for the syx uploads, or?

No, it's not that. I can upload the app just fine to the first core via MIOS studio, it just tanks when I go to clone the app to the other 3 cores. I've had this thing for 3 years almost and never had any problems till now..

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