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SammichSID Problems (No sound - wrong voltage reading)


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Ok, I finished building my Sammich and I finished uploading the OS and it works!

The LEDs light up according to which octave I play on my controller.

Only thing is, I don't know if the 6581 chip I have is 100% ok so I can't comment on it.. Also, is it ok to have just one SID installed? It shouldn't be a problem, right?

In the guide (8. Installing SIDs) it says do a voltage check on the sockets.

I tested pins 28 and 14 and I get 14.40 V! Something is wrong.. There should be a picture of how the capacitors should be lined up in the socket next to the SID.

Also, in the main screen on the OS none of the buttons work..

Also, wilba, do you have any 6582's?

Maybe I should just buy some from you instead of messing around with this old and used 6581?

-Geir Helgi

Edited by Geir_Helgi
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As I've clearly written in the guide and elsewhere, if you want to use 6581 SIDs you need a regulated 12V DC power supply... there is not a 12V regulator on the PCB... it needs to be regulated externally. This keeps things simple for the majority of people who will use 6582 or 8580 SIDs, and still allow use of 6581 for those people who really want to.

It sounds like you are using an unregulated 12V DC supply and therefore will get higher voltage when the current load is less than the rating on the supply. I don't know exactly what it would be, but for example, a 12V DC 500mA supply outputting 15V DC when the load is 300mA or less is within expectations.

I don't know exactly what you want regarding the capacitors... each one that requires correct polarity has a "+" next to the positive pin, and the capacitor has a "-" on the negative side.

Regarding buttons not working... first check you don't have a short between the CS PSB and the heatsink. Then check the 74HC165 are installed properly, the resistor networks are correctly oriented, etc. Look for bad solder joints, esp. on the headers between the PCBs.

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  • 2 weeks later...

As I've clearly written in the guide and elsewhere, if you want to use 6581 SIDs you need a regulated 12V DC power supply... there is not a 12V regulator on the PCB... it needs to be regulated externally. This keeps things simple for the majority of people who will use 6582 or 8580 SIDs, and still allow use of 6581 for those people who really want to.

It sounds like you are using an unregulated 12V DC supply and therefore will get higher voltage when the current load is less than the rating on the supply. I don't know exactly what it would be, but for example, a 12V DC 500mA supply outputting 15V DC when the load is 300mA or less is within expectations.

I don't know exactly what you want regarding the capacitors... each one that requires correct polarity has a "+" next to the positive pin, and the capacitor has a "-" on the negative side.

Regarding buttons not working... first check you don't have a short between the CS PSB and the heatsink. Then check the 74HC165 are installed properly, the resistor networks are correctly oriented, etc. Look for bad solder joints, esp. on the headers between the PCBs.

Ok, I just got a Regulated 12V DC PSU and all the voltage readings are fine now!

(I'm still only using one 6581 -if that should be a problem).

I tried uploading MIOS to the PIC again (I was in batch 3 with the badly burned PICs).

I uploaded setup_sammich_sid.hex again.

The LCD text message works fine and the LEDs light up differently when I play different octaves.

Only thing is,

none of the buttons work! :(

*I'm using an Elektron TM-1 Turbo-MIDI to upload the hex/sysex files -it shouldn't be a problem.

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(I'm still only using one 6581 -if that should be a problem).

That's not a problem.

Only thing is, none of the buttons work! :(

Make sure you have uploaded setup_sammich_sid.hex from the RC35 release. If that's not what you uploaded fix it.

Otherwise you have some hardware issue. Are the ICs correctly mounted on the CS PCB? Are the voltages okay?

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