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Wilba SEQ V4 : step view LED


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Dear guys

i just finished the assembly of this so perfect wilba control surface (very pleasant to tweak, more than the majority of my others machines) and noticed that the step view led has a 4 leads footprint ; why ?

i plan to put the core32, the CV/Gate jacks, the midi sockets, the ethernet on a 2 U rack and use a DB25 cable to connect this "tower" to the LCD + J8/9 , control surface sitting on my desk, so that all the cables stay in the backyard of the studio. What's your opinion ?

Best regards :)

Edited by julienvoirin
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Dear guys

i just finished the assembly of this so perfect wilba control surface (very pleasant to tweak, more than the majority of my others machines) and noticed that the step view led has a 4 leads footprint ; why ?

i plan to put the core32, the CV/Gate jacks, the midi sockets, the ethernet on a 2 U rack and use a DB25 cable to connect this "tower" to the LCD + J8/9 , control surface sitting on my desk, so that all the cables stay in the backyard of the studio. What's your opinion ?

Best regards :)

From what I have red step led can have two colour option, I just don't know how to configure this two-colour option in configuration file. I think it mentions only two colour option for 16 GP leds. I built my own simplified (single sided) in/out pcb since I missed wilba pcb bulk order and I have two free pins on third out SR, so I also would like to use this step led dual colour option if possible. Can anyone comment how to configure this in MBSEQ_HW.V4?

Also while I'm waiting for 1/8w 220 ohm resistors (I suppose I can use them since led current is around 13 mA and I don't have room in my pcb version for resistor arrays from Smash TV kit) to complete parts collection I have a question - for what purpose are the diodes in wilba pcb? Smash TV in/out kits don't have diodes and they aren't also found in sequencer in/out pdf layouts.

Best regards,


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There was a two-colour option in MBSEQ V3 where a track consist of 32 steps (one colour for 1-16, another colour for 17-32).

In MBSEQ V4 a track consists of much more steps, therefore such a display option doesn't make sense anymore.

However, if you can assign any other LED function to the second colour if you want. E.g., LED_LOOP or LED_FOLLOW would be a nice candidate; it's your choice.

Diodes: they are required for the multiplexed 8x8 button matrix.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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The PCB allows the use of two single-colour LEDs above the Step View, in case you wanted two LEDs to indicate "Step 1-16" and "Step 17-32". But that is optional, you can use just one LED like all the other LEDs. At the time of prototyping, TK preferred a single LED, and I made my panel the same, so it just got ignored and forgotten and maybe no one has ever made a panel with two holes there.

Gunars may be confusing Step View with the Beat LED, which on mine and TKs (and a few others I assume) is a 5mm round red LED, but someone sufficiently motivated could use a bicolor LED (common cathode) and connect it to J3... and then maybe beg TK to make the other colour do something (eg. red on every 4th step, green on other steps). You might ask why I didn't just put a 3-pin footprint at the Beat LED position - refer to my original prototype and how it was split into halves right through this LED, as well as the difficulty of combining a 3-pin and 2-pin LED footprint... i.e. too hard. But I left J3 in there anyway. My PCBs tend to have a lot of easter eggs :D

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Thanks for replays Thorsten and Wilba!

Yes, looks quite many seqs have hatched this spring, but mine is still to nest - that's it...

Led for loop is already intended in my design, but about follow I must explore more. When I first replied I meant dual led for step view, but I now see that probably it is really not a priority. On the other hand color-changing beat led also sounds interesting, but as I understand the software must be changed to support this. Anyway I can always leave blank those two pins for some updated features.

Have guys a nice holydays with your machines or without :)


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