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MB-6582 LED question


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So today I noticed that a bunch of LED's aren't lighting up. Here's a list:

Waveform: Ramp

Filter: LP, 03

OSC: 1

ENV: 2


It looks to me like they all travel through JD8, so I switched 595's, but that didn't work. The voltage at JD9 is 4.66... and the continuity check between the traces from LED to JD8 check. All other LED's work fine. And when I press the said buttons the menu takes me to the correct parameter, so it seems to just be the LED's. The LED's themselves are fine, and are not blown out.

Anyone have any ideas?



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Fixed! Traced the problem using the schematics to JD7, D2. A little de-soldering and re-soldering fixed it nicely. It seems like whenever I ask a question I end up fixing the problem myself a few minutes later.



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