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expand sm_fast.asm

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thank for reply

I already know qbas 32x32 but that application is wrote totally in asm, but sm_c_example2_v1c, in my opinion is more powerful and let me do modification in easier way.

That's because only the matrix driver ( sm_fast.asm ) is wrote in asm and the main program ( main.c )is in C.

In this way, when I have the sm_fast.asm expandend ( because I need more that 64 switches )for example from 8x8 to 16x16, changing code in main.c for example:




  MIOS_MIDI_TxBufferPut(value ? 0x00 : 0x7f);

As result I can simply change the midi messages putting the one I want.

32x32 is not so easy, there's velocity and other things very difficult!



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