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Build for a friend, charge for time?


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How the *&^% is that going to be policed?

I mean, I could get parts in bulk, and hence cheaper, make a few up for "friends" and charge them for my labour and for full-price parts... Suddenly I'm in business making MIOS boxes   :o :-/ :'( >:(

It's a very interesting little grey area isn't it...

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As I have said before, the Midibox is a great learning experience for anyone interested in electronics.  Don't deprive your friend of the opportunity to learn to like soldering, especially with a project that keeps you interested as well as this one.

It's clear that there are loopholes in the license that covers the midibox project that will allow people to make cash from it, and people will do so.  

It's also clear that Thorsten's intent with releasing everything midibox for free is an attempt to get people to do it themselves and learn in the process, not to say "look what I can do" or to empower everyone who can solder and order parts from a list to make some spending cash.

Others might feel differently than me, but my take on the whole thing is that the only people who should have a midibox are the people who built it themselves. DIY is the word of the day here, every day.

Maybe your friend would be happy with a Sidstation or even a SID emulator instead?  It's a great support community here, but that will quickly come to an end when the questions start coming from people who havent even heated up an iron start asking for help.

And before the thought crosses anyones mind about me saying this AND selling boards, remember that I don't make PCB's for money (otherwise they would be expensive enough for me to make a profit), and it's worth it to me to know how many marriages were not ended by people having to use ferric chloride and some other nasty chemicals to make the boards in thier homes.  : )

I don't intend to offend anyone with my thoughts on this, and it should be read with the idea that I will say the same thing to anyone who asks this question, or has this thought about selling a built box.


Peace and have fun!


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Guest den_Juin

Well, i guess you're not selling a midibox, but your soldering skills. If you look at it that way it is allright...

I'm curious what the official anwser from TK will be.

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Well if you're gonna sell one facet of the box why not just sell the whole thing? Heck why not just start a production line....  :P

Nah I don't like it hey... Too much of a fuzzy grey area... Honestly I say this because I reckon I could make a fricken killing off of making MB boxe$ and $elling them, but I know it's wrong, so I say fight it...

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Well I have to admit that I sold my old midibox... :o :o

But then again that was'nt my intention when I made it

I got rid of it cause someone went and designed the LC and mios.

So I sold it to cover the cost of my motor faders, which I still hav'nt used yet :'( now sometimes I wish I had my old box back :(

In the end I don't think I could be bothered to make for anyone else, even if they wanted to pay for it, I can't get my own finished :-/

Doc I reckon you oughta help him make one outa the goodness of ye heart ;) ;)  


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quote from the ucapps faq:

Where can I buy your stuff?

All the applications of www.uCApps.de are non-profit projects which are not for sale. The purpose is to follow the spirit of Open Source in order to allow people to rebuild, modify, improve or just learn from my projects. Many features that can be found here are not my inventions, but suggested by users from all of the world. On this way we are creating what we have ever searched for and I myself can enhance my experience with electronics and MIDI (makes really fun!)

Would you build a MIDIbox for me if I give you some money?

I neither have the time, nor the motivation to build MIDIboxes for other peoples. These are DIY projects, that means: Do-It-Yourself. Just ask a friend or an expert in your neighbourhood for help.

As everything is free, am I allowed to bring the stuff to market?

No, you are not allowed to sell any stuff of this website for profit.

I think it's quite clear where the boundaries are, no?

If i design a midibox for my own use and have someone else make it (even if that someone is making profit out of it) is that a violation then? I think not...

I think Schaeffer is making money indirectly from midibox frontpanels, right?

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I just noticed that my reply never made it to here... Repost---


I think it's quite clear where the boundaries are, no?


Definitely :) hehehehe (sarcasm)


If i design a midibox for my own use and have someone else make it (even if that someone is making profit out of it) is that a violation then?



Where can I buy your stuff?

All the applications of www.uCApps.de are non-profit projects which are not for sale.



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Guest den_Juin

A friend of mine doesn't like to solder, and he wants me to build him a full Step C SID, and pay me a little for my time.  Is this OK under the "non-commercial" license?


If you say it like this it should be alright:


A friend of mine doesn't like to solder, and he wants me to help him build a full Step C SID, and pay me a little for my time.  Is this OK under the "non-commercial" license?


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Well, I guess I am really waiting for the official answer from Thorsten.

Hey, there's no way I'm going to be charging him commercial rates for my time, so I don't really consider this "for profit".  In fact we've already been discussing swaps.  He's in Germany at the moment, and he might for example buy me a Schaffer front panel, or some more SID chips.

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Well, I guess I am really waiting for the official answer from Thorsten.

Hey, there's no way I'm going to be charging him commercial rates for my time, so I don't really consider this "for profit".  In fact we've already been discussing swaps.  He's in Germany at the moment, and he might for example buy me a Schaffer front panel, or some more SID chips.

you have my permission.

Best Regards, Thorsten.

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